“Babar’s demolition of the Ram Janmbhoomi Temple complex: The gloating Muslim accounts”, Hindudvesha, January 16, 2024:
“To the Western world, an iconic image of Islamic aggression is the conversion of the Hagia Sophia – Eastern Christendom’s greatest church – into a mosque by the Ottoman Sultan Mehmet. It was his first act upon entering the conquered city of Constantinople (now Istanbul) in 1493 CE.
It is relatively unknown in the Western world that a mere 35 years later, in 1528 CE, his fellow Turk – Zahir ud-din Babar, the founder of the Moghul empire in Bharat and a descendant of Tamerlane – demolished one of Hindu Dharma’s greatest temple complexes, and erected a mosque in its place, which is known in Bharat as the Babri Masjid (Babar’s mosque).
It is the purpose of this article to give my Western readers a glimpse into this act of destruction and to provide further evidence of the compulsive aggression and profanity of Islamic invaders…..”
Read the full article at Hindudvesha.org