“Telangana Fact-check: Churchgoers obstruct road widening project in Janwada, twisted as attacks on SCs”, Organiser, February 15, 2024:
“A fight between two factions of Janwada village, Sangareddy district, one for supporting road widening and the other for retaining the illegal church site adjacent to the road, is twisted as a fight between non-SCs and churchgoers, which is completely misleading and lacks any substantial evidence.
As per local sources, Janwada village, situated along the Hyderabad-Shankarpally road, has been the focus of a government-approved road widening project. Recently, the government approved a road widening project of the same type, and works are in progress, like levelling the road and laying the pipelines.
On the evening of February 13, tensions escalated as villagers approached Church community leaders to seek cooperation for the road widening project. However, disagreements arose, particularly regarding the proximity of the road expansion to the Church premises, leading to heated exchanges and physical altercations between the two factions….”
Read the full article at Organiser.org