Two minor Hindu sisters, aged 16 and 17, have been raped at gunpoint by two Muslim men – Umair Ashfaq and Kashif Ali – in Pakistan’s Punjab province. The incident occurred at Fort Abbas Town, 300 kms from Lahore, under Bahawalnagar district on June 5, but came to light only recently. Astonishingly, one of the accused has managed to secure pre-arrest bail.
The two sisters came out of their house in the morning to attend nature’s call in a nearby field when the two accused held them at gunpoint before raping them and fleeing the scene. Medical examination of the two girls confirmed rape.
True to form, the crime was registered by Pakistani police three days after the incident as some influential people in the area reportedly wanted to ‘settle the matter’ with the victims’ family. Accused Kashif reportedly belongs to an influential family and has managed to secure a pre-arrest bail from the court. The other accused Umair has been arrested.
The Islamic Republic of Pakistan treats Hindus and other minorities as second-class citizens, barring them from top Constitutional posts. Hindu Dharma and Hindu community are demeaned and depicted in a negative manner in Pakistani school textbooks. Pakistani society is infused with such a sense of Islamic supremacism that Hindus are looked upon as wretched, cursed people. Persecution of Hindus is carried out in an institutionalized manner and takes various forms such as – abduction, rape and forced conversion of Hindu girls; temple desecrations; bonded labor; economic discrimination and poverty; suspicious deaths categorized as ‘suicide’.
Punjab is the most radicalized of the 4 Pakistani provinces and Hindus have been almost completely wiped out from here. Most crimes against Hindus are reported from Sindh province as that is where the bulk of the Hindu population remains in this Islamofascist nation. By contrast, Muslims constitute around 2% of the population of Indian Punjab and Islamists there have become so emboldened under our ‘secular’ system that they have begun resorting to their time-honored practise of openly denigrating the Hindu religion.
Every time a new PM comes to power (with Pak Army’s approval, of course) in Pakistan, the Pakophiles in India’s liberal-secular polity go overboard in hyping their ancestral or cultural links to Bharat. Much noise is made about ‘Punjabiyat’ (essence of being Punjabi), the imagined cultural bond which ties the people of the two Punjabs, separated by a border.
Current Pakistani PM Shehbaz Sharif was earlier the CM of Punjab province – after he became PM, his son Hemza has been sworn in as Punjab CM. The Sharifs and Bhuttos are the two dynasties that dominate Pakistan’s corrupt and broken system. As expected, the moment Shehbaz Sharif became PM, India’s Pakophile and Hinduphobic liberal-secular lobby went to work, polishing his image and talking of how people in his ancestral village in Indian Punjab were ‘rooting for him’.
Civilians and soldiers die every day in Kashmir due to Pak-sponsored terrorists, ISI is pushing drugs and arms into Punjab 24×7, terror cells and criminal gangs with links to Pakistan are busted ever so often – but none of this matters to the dangerous lobby which operates brazenly from the heart of our nation’s capital.
And in all the talk of shared Punjabiyat and ‘Aman ki Asha’ (hope for peace), poor Pakistani Hindus are not even a footnote. They just don’t enter the calculation of Indo-Pak relations for the Lutyens’ lobby.
These elites, who can’t wait for Sufi nights and lavish parties hosted by Pakistan embassy to restart, silently cheer when Pakistan harangues Bharat over the Kashmir issue or ‘persecution of Indian Muslims’. But they are deathly silent when it comes to the brutal and ongoing slow genocide of Pakistani Hindus. If this is the Punjabiyat the ‘assi-tussi’ gang dreams of, we Hindus want no part of it.
This is the real image of Pakistan where Hindu women are raped, and men are killed on the ground of blasphemies. Hindus and other minorities will be eliminated from Pakistan & Bangladesh & Afghanistan within a decade. Today (JUN.18,2022) twin blasts ripped the Gurdwara in Kabul when 30 men were inside for prayer.