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Sunday, January 19, 2025

MeToo was an western, elite, liberal farce – Sandeshkhali is the FINAL proof of that. PART -1

A brief recap

Even back then, people had reasons to be skeptical about MeToo ‘movement’ on its own merits. (Or rather the astonishing lack thereof.)

Due process? Go to hell!

Innocent until proven guilty? Go to hell, too.

Rule of law? Shut up, you misogynist pig!

But the underlying sentiment was unconstetable: ‘She’s a petty woman of lose character out to smear a rich, successful ‘good’ man’s name and destroy his career!’ is NOT always true. Too often, society and people dismissed the plight of women or rather they self-censored themselves, suffering the trauma in silence.

But what rankled especially hard, was the woke extremist feminist fervour with which it was unleashed.

Taking no prisoners.

Only scalps.

There were clear cut cases: like Harvey Weinstein.

But then there were also cases where lines of consent and confusion blurred.

Prompting difficult questions about what exactly constitutes sexual assault on women – especially when there aren’t likely to be witnesses around in the privacy of one’s bedroom. And worse, where not one but both partners hadn’t perceived it to be wrong themselves, at the time!

Not to mention the abominable instances where evil women had outright lied about their alleged sexual assault by what ultimately proved to be innocent men; for one or the other equally evil reason. And then walked away scot-free, even when the truth saw a blinding light of the day. With no compensation or institutional reform on the agenda against this life-destroying trauma for men unjustly accused.

The woke, western, extremist feminist mobs’ (and their blind followers’ everywhere) reaction at the time? ‘Gehun ke Sather ghun bhi pisa jata hai.’

And that wasn’t mentioned in some sort of regret or apology.

It went like this:

It doesn’t even MATTER if some innocent men’s lives are destroyed in the “service of greater good.”

So this then, was the extremely broad, extremist woke definitions and frameworks designed, allegedly, to protect ALL women.

Lying wenches or Innocent victims.

Gold Diggers or Independent Entrepreneurs.

Didn’t matter one bit.

#BelieveAllWomen, that was one of their slogans.

Until, it turned out, that even with this extremist interpretation… not ALL women can be protected under the gentle umbrella of shared, globalized sisterhood led by western privileged elite women.

And, ironically enough, it wasn’t even such an open ended definitional framework, that prompted this realization. No.

 The simple fact was: ‘ALL women’ proved too much of a nuisance, for Left-Liberal-Islamist entrenched elite, the really powerful men in power, who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.

Not that this horrific truth emerged much later either.

Right at its peak, there was a massive witch-hunt against Trump appointed American Supreme Court Judge Brett Cavanaugh. The charges were not only flimsy, but also occurring decades ago, but still, several witnesses directly contradicted the alleged victim Blasey-Ford’s version of events.

Justice Kavanaugh didn’t back down from the mob-pressure – and neither did his appointer, President Trump. Ultimately winning the day.

For that matter, there was enough of deluge against President Trump too.

But that criticism seemed fair, because Trump himself had openly boasted about it.

But when it turned out that oldie-locks Biden, Democrat presidential frontrunner at the time, had a quite… sexually predatory past himself (involving a former aide named Tara Reade who said so) – not to mention the disgusting and weirdly suspicious habits of sniffing around little children… suddenly every imaginable reason – that were, ALL of them, earlier dismissed summarily as ‘petty excuses designed to defend the indefensible – found a renewed lease of life, and this time with quite a bit of alleged ‘credibility.’

The victim was lying.

She is confused.

She’s a petty bit*h!

She’s a GOP Republican Party operative, aiming to extract her pound of liberal flesh!

Given the quite … ‘colorful’ life of President Biden’s son Hunter, (where, among other patently criminal things, he almost certainly violated Mann act, designed to protect women – even those in sex-trade – from inter-state human-trafficking of Prostitutes) one has to wonder: Whether the rotten apple hadn’t fallen too far off the tree?

But of course it wasn’t just that. Protecting Left-Liberal presidential candidates and ‘potential sexual harassers’ from a bunch of women proving too much of a nuisance, that was just the top-priority.

Women-rights of course be damned, all around.

Because then, it went down from there too.

All the way.

At every level.

Fat Left woke-extremist propaganda peddling hive CNN had its star liberal snake of an anchor Chris Cuomo, hissing in the ears of liberal darling Mayor Of New York, his brother, Andrew Cuomo, about how precisely to counter press’s questions about multiple allegations against him for sexual assault.

Both Cuomo brothers ultimately had to resign in disgrace.

And then, nothing more needs to be said about Johnny Depp Vs. Lying vicious witch Amber Heard.

But…If you want an utterly, horrificly disgraceful summery of the whole thing that covers and symbolizes everything that was wrong with this woke extremist ‘movement’, at an institutional level, look no further than the quite short and abhorrent history of an NGO (as usual, it had to be an ‘NGO’) formed by elite Left-Liberal (Again, as usual) pretentious women of the west, called ‘TimesUp!’

Abrahmo-Leftist hypocrisy’s invasion of Bharat – again.

In Bharat, the same farce was played along in almost similarly disgusting manner.

When allegations were raised against Nana Patekar, and Aloknath – all hell broke loose. Purely because of latter’s ‘sanskari’ image.

But when it came to the explosive revelations against left-Liberal-Islamist darlings like Anurag Kashyap and Sajid Khan, suddenly the victim was lying!  And no consequences were brought on them from feminist cabal.

And Bharat certainly had its own CNN moment when Far Left propaganda mouthpiece – frequently found fabricating evidence and spreading communal fake news against Hindus every chance it could get, and yet still has the audacity to claim, repeatedly, that it was fighting for “oppressed”, (like women, for example) – this outlet, The Perpetual Liar, had one of its star ‘journalist’ Vinod finding himself struggling with wide-spread allegations of indulging in some extra-curricular, non-consensual Amod-Pramod.

The shoddy ‘investigation’ of this matter by The Perpetual Liar itself – which naturally ended up giving clean chit to Binod – could be rivalled only by their ‘investigation’ of a fictional app called ‘TekFog’ and later the hilariously incompetent hit-job of targeting Meta as a stooge for Amit Malviya and BJP given mysterious censorship powers.

Not to mention the shameless defense peddled by highly woke, far left liberal daughter of Binod himself, a daughter who was, until then, a screeching champion of women-rights and local general of MeToo! Brigade.

And of course, we all know the anti-Hindu stunts of woke urduwood for Kathua rape victim but deafening silence about Hindu rape victim who was raped inside a Gaziabad mosque by a Maulvi.

Put simply, MeToo turned out to have its clearly defined militant objectives:

1.) Targeting common men.

2.) Targeting conservative men of celebrity status.

3.) And fiercely protecting Islamo-Leftist rapist pigs from their victims’ brave testimonies – in fact, after so long, it can even be argued that category 1) and 2) were targeted exclusively by vicious, inhumane, monstrous women linked to George Soros types, to dry-up the relationship potential of conman men and conservative celebrity men, only and only to inflate the ‘supply of commodity’ called women for ever hungry, filthy, rich (or even poor), elite (or even lowest scum), degenerate sexual-predators sitting on the top of the Islamo-Leftist food-chain. The chain made entirely of identity-politics.

Which leads us, ultimately, to Bengal – but not in the present tense. No, we’re still in the past.

Bengal – 2021

In 2021 election – where didi and her TMC were being championed as ‘defenders of democracy, bravely resisting Hindutva fascism!’…what followed the results was horrific post poll violence, prompting mass-migration in thousands to Assam, seeking refuge to Himanta Biswa Sarma.

Amid the harrowing tales of violence was, inevitably, equal number of horrific sexual violence perpetrated allegedly by TMC goons. For nothing except the crime of women exercising their voting rights, in favour of BJP.

Bless your hearts if women feminists from pre WW-II era in the west heard about this!Women who’d fought for decades to earn women-sufferage: the right for women to vote in elections.


In 2021 West Bengal post-poll violence – including sexual violence – meted out to women by TMC goons…

There were minors, as usual, but also 60 year old ladies! who were brutally gang raped too. Right in front of their 6 year old grand son!

But there simply wasn’t any outrage from the self-professed liberal guardians of women’s virtue on this matter.

The world-wide establishment that keeps focused, always, laser-like, on any developments in Bharatiya democracy… that one either looked directly away or kept it bland enough, or worse: called it fake news. All thanks to alleged ‘fact-checkers’ doing round the clock-work of anti-Hindu propaganda.

‘Women were lying about their institutional rape and violence at the hands of state-level ruling party, fighting against nationalist, patriarchal Hindutva fascism – led by para-military all-male organization RSS!’ that was all their message at the end of the day.

Which leads us, finally, to the Bengal in the present tense.

But we’ll deal with that horrible present in the next part.

This is enough horror for a single piece.

(To be continued…)

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Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande is an aspiring Spy Thriller writer who sees the threats to Bharat as they are - An institutionalized Abrahmic/Left-Liberal revulsion for Hindus' Right to Exist.


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