“Pakistan: Gujranwala court sentences death to adult student, life imprisonment to minor for ‘blasphemy’”, Organiser, March 9, 2024:
“A student from Pakistan has been sentenced to death by a court in Punjab province. As per reports, the court said that the 22-year-old was given the sentence for sharing blasphemous pictures and videos over WhatsApp. In the same case, a 17-year-old was sentenced to life imprisonment.
A complaint against the students was filed by the cyber-crime unit of the Pakistan Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) in 2022 reported the BBC. The case was filed in the capital of Punjab, Lahore. Later the case was referred to a local court in Gujranwala. In Pakistan, blasphemy is punishable by death.
There have been incidents where people reportedly have lynched others accused of this crime, even before their cases were taken to trial. As per the BBC, the judges have said that the 22-year-old student created videos and photos containing derogatory words about Prophet Mohammed and his wives…..”
Read the full article at Organiser.org