“How Soros propagates his anarchical ideas of ‘open society’ through political manipulation and educative propaganda”, First Post, April 18, 2023:
“In recent years George Soros’s view on refugees and migration has been subjected to much debate and criticism. Beyond the post-Soviet space which is the target of Soros for political manipulation as we discussed in part one of the series; of late, he is trying to create a new wedge in European society through his view on refugees.
Europe has been grappling with refugee problems, growing radicalisation, and a deep financial crisis in recent years. However, Soros gives an alternative perspective on the refugee problems. His prescription that European countries should have accepted more refugees from West Asia in the name of “human rights” is also causing much uneasiness in the European countries.
As Soros, in a controversial article titled “This Is Europe’s Last Chance to Fix Its Refugee Policy” published in Foreign Policy, suggested that “ It would establish a guaranteed target of at least 300,000 refugees each year who would be securely resettled directly to Europe from the Middle East — a total that hopefully would be matched by countries elsewhere in the world….”
Read the full article at Firstpost.com