The atrocities on Hindus of Bangladesh continue to soar with no signs of declining. Hindu girls remain a target of Islamists in Bangladesh and are no less in danger than those in Pakistan. In a recent case, Islamist goons targeted a young Hindu student. They also brutally attacked her father, and the Bangladeshi police, seemingly a mere puppet at the hands of religious radicals, refused to register their complaint.
The incident came to light after Bangladesh’s DBC News featured a video showing the young Hindu girl and her victimized family addressing a small press conference. The 4-minutes-46-seconds long video dated August 17 shows the girl stating that she is a student of the Rajshahi College and is preparing for her final year exams.
On Friday, August 12, she went to her private classes; on the way, she was harassed by a couple of miscreants from the Muslim community named Miraj and Prince. A local youth defended her and walked her through some distance. After her father learned of this incident, he went to confront the Islamist miscreants who had harassed the girl. During the conversation, the miscreants stabbed the father with a knife and punched him with a hammer.
This incident occurred at the platform of what she referred to as “Vishyavidyalaya station” at around 7 PM. She also highlighted that the Hindu family runs a beauty parlour, and these miscreants keep demanding money from them. This demand for money can be translated as jizya, a form of religion-based tax charged by Muslim rulers or Islamic governments from non-Muslim civilians.
The father, also addressing the media, had a bandage around his head and visible injury marks on his face. He stated that these miscreants regularly harass his daughters. He was trying to convince these miscreants not to harass his daughters. To this, the Islamists said that they would try to frame them. They also threatened the Hindu father that if he wanted to stay alive, he should continue to pay the (extortion/jizya) money. “Otherwise, I will marry your daughter”, said one of the attackers.
“Then Prince stabbed me with a knife and hit me with a hammer here,” the father indicated toward his bandaged head. Several other men pinned him down, and other miscreants continued to assault him with the hammer. They also assaulted his wife, who had rushed to rescue her husband. They tore her blouse, snatched a chain and cash worth 20 thousand, and fled.
“I was bleeding profusely but still reached the Chandrima Police Station as I knew this area was under their jurisdiction. But they told us that they couldn’t take this case and directed us to Motihar and get treated,” he recounted. He was admitted to a local hospital, but the doctors forcefully released him before he could recover completely. When he insisted that he had not recovered, the doctors asked him to avail of treatment from elsewhere.
He further details how not only the doctors forcibly and under some probable conspiracy gave him a discharge, but the way police from various police stations repeatedly denied registering a formal complaint. Every time they either gave them a lame excuse or a different date to take down the complaint.
The hapless Hindu family has been exploited financially by Islamist goons, their daughters have been harassed, and the father has been brutally attacked. They have been denied assistance by the administration and refused treatment by medical professionals.
As a tormented member of the minority community, the Hindu man sought justice. But it is well-known that the establishments and institutions of Bangladesh have no justice to offer to the Hindus. It appears that the coming days will only turn grimmer and more difficult for the last remaining Hindus of the Islamist state.
What a kind of Islamic violence, indeed! Attack on Hindus on Bangladesh is growing apace. It is relentless. But why? Why the educated Bangladeshi Muslims do not come forward to resist such communal atrocities? Why do police and administration act as puppet to Islamic Jihadists? What is the fault of the Hindus? They do neither intervene in the religious practices of Islam nor do any harm to them. So why they’re targeted? Why the B’deshi Muslims don’t abide by the philosophy : Live and Let LIve? Do the Hindu Bangladeshis have no right to survive? Under the present circumstances, they don’t. And within a decade Bangladesh will attain Zero Hindu Population!