“American and Anglosphere Muslims grapple with a response to October 7th attacks”, Meforum, January 10, 2024:
“The impact of the Hamas-led feast of flesh and blood on October 7th, self-labeled as the “Al-Aqsa Floods,” has had a dramatic effect on American political discourse. In particular, it has completely upended political calculations for the American-Muslim community.
Voting patterns for American-Muslims could previously be looked at through the lens of 9/11. Before 2001, most Muslims in America preferred the Republican Party. After 9/11, the American-Muslim community took a hard-left turn, which has seen progressives and segments of the far-left exercise enormous influence within the American-Muslim community.
For a while, the progressive-Muslim coalition managed to coexist with a religious establishment in the American-Muslim community that remained conservative, suspicious of reform, and committed to upholding traditional understandings of Islam…..”
Read the full article at Meforum.org