“From Mao to Modi — The transformation in this Cradle of Red Terror: A Ground Report”, Swarajyamag, April 21, 2024:
“Naxalbari, once Maoist epicentre, now embraces BJP, shedding its revolutionary past for political transformation and hope.
A mid-sized village about 22 kilometres east of Siliguri — the commercial capital of North Bengal — had gained national, and even global notoriety in the late 1960s. Cradling the ‘Maoist movement,’ it eventually lent its name to the red terrorists who killed thousands of people and had held, till a decade ago, large parts of central India to ransom.
The reference here is to Naxalbari where an ‘armed revolution’ aimed at overthrowing the Indian state and ushering in a communist dictatorship was born……”
Read the full article at Swarajyamag.com