Dhruv Rathee, the pet soldier of the Leftists, known for his so-called myth-busting videos, is back with another one to peddle the anti-Bharat narrative among his followers.
In this video titled, “How Millions of Indians were BRAINWASHED? | The WhatsApp Mafia”, Rathee tries to project that followers of Modi and the BJP have been brainwashed by the use of WhatsApp.

In the video, he shares bits and pieces of interviews from various sources and stitches them together to show Modi and his supporters in a poor light. He blames “WhatsApp University” for this mass brainwashing of the public.
Then Rathee comes to “explaining” how this “WhatsApp mafia” works. He says the so-called mafia “…has 4 main departments, and these 4 departments target Hindus. You may ask why. There is a simple reason for this. If any dictator wants to turn the country into a dictatorship, he has to control the majority community in the country. He has to brainwash the people of the majority community.”
Now, he sets the stage to bring in the Left’s favourite character, Hitler. He says, “Take the example of German dictator Hitler, who targeted the ethnic German Aryans, the majority community there back then. To brainwash them, he created a false atmosphere of fear about Jews. He said that the Jews posed a great threat to the country. And so he provoked them.”
Next, he comes to RSS and the BJP – their favourite punching bags. He says, “The majority community needs to be brainwashed using religion. BJP’s ideological role models are people like Savarkar and Golwalkar. I had told you in a previous video that both of them were self-declared Hitler fanboys. In their opinion, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and Jains were all Hindus, and Muslims and Christians were excluded. People like Savarkar and Golwalkar had another agenda. They loved the book Manusmriti, which is full of casteist stuff. Dr B. R. Ambedkar, who drafted the Indian Constitution, set this book on fire. So this WhatsApp mafia targets Hindus, preferably upper caste Hindus.”
So, having made the Hitler-BJP-RSS-Savarkar connection, calling them Hitler fanboys, Rathee goes on to spew lies upon lies to his unsuspecting followers. Let’s pause here and question Rathee. While Rathee speaks all the time about Hitler and the Germans, he does not talk further about them. Let’s discuss one such fanboy of Hitler – Konrad Adenauer.
Konrad Adenauer was a pivotal figure in German and European history, serving as the first chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1963. A devout Roman Catholic, he initially rose through the ranks of the Catholic Centre Party in the Weimar Republic before transitioning to the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). The CDU ruled Germany for 52 years.
Adenauer was considered one of the “Founding Fathers of the European Union.”
Alright, he did Germany some good. But did you know that Adenauer opposed the Nuremberg trials? He opposed them during 1945–46. Later, as Chancellor, he advocated for the release of the “Spandau Seven,” the term used to refer to the seven war criminals convicted at Nuremberg and incarcerated at Spandau Prison.
Will Rathee call Adenauer a Hitler fanboy now?
It does not stop there. Did you know that the CDU runs the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, which sends money through FCRA to Indian Leftist NGOs and other organisations? Their website reads, “In implementing its project and programs, the Foundation cooperates with Indian partner organisations, such as Think Tanks, Government and Non-Governmental Institutions.”
The logos of their partners are as follows:

Let’s look at the other real Hitler fanboys, shall we?
Let’s look at Winston Churchill first. Here are some of the writings/words that Churchill himself spoke about Hitler and Germany.
In fact, Churchill wanted Germany to bomb Britain!
Here’s some more – In this picture, Churchill sits on a chair left by Hitler. Who in their right mind would even go near Hitler’s possessions?
In 1937, as Churchill was finalising his essay on Hitler for Great Contemporaries, he followed his typical protocol by submitting it to the Foreign Office. They urged him to soften his tone, expressing a preference that he not publish it at all. While the revised version somewhat appeased them, there has been a lasting misconception that Churchill’s portrayal of Hitler was favourable, whether in his book, article, or other writings for the British press.
The oft-quoted passage about “dislik[ing] Hitler’s system” while admiring his “patriotic achievement” is actually from Churchill’s article “Friendship with Germany” (1937), where he clarifies that his aim is not to antagonise Germany but to caution against its aggressive policies. The paragraph reads, “One may dislike Hitler’s system and yet admire his patriotic achievement. If our country were defeated, I hope we should find a champion as indomitable to restore our courage and lead us back to our place among the nations.”
British Royal family’s admiration for Hitler?
The British royal family’s connections to Hitler and the Nazis were multifaceted and controversial. Here are some points:
- Prince Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, a grandson of Queen Victoria, joined the German army during World War I and later became a member of the Nazi Party. He held a high rank within the Nazi regime and was involved in various Nazi activities, including reporting on his own family to Hitler.
- King Edward VIII, later known as the Duke of Windsor after abdicating the throne, displayed sympathy towards Nazi Germany and authoritarianism. He made critical remarks about democracy and expressed admiration for dictators. He and Wallis Simpson, whom he married, visited Nazi Germany and met with Hitler and other Nazi leaders, showing enthusiasm for some aspects of the regime.
- During World War II, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor were exiled to the Bahamas by Churchill to remove them from Europe due to suspicions of their sympathies with the Nazis.
- Prince Philip’s sisters married German aristocrats who became members of the Nazi Party. While Philip himself served in the British military during World War II, his sisters’ connections to Nazism raised questions about the royal family’s associations.
- Prince Harry faced controversy in 2005 when he wore a Nazi uniform to a costume party, sparking condemnation and later apologising for his choice. The incident was widely criticised and led to discussions about the sensitivity of such actions, particularly given the historical context of the royal family’s connections to Nazi Germany.
The British royal family’s connections to Hitler and the Nazis remain a subject of historical scrutiny and debate, highlighting complex and often uncomfortable aspects of their past.
Here are a few points to summarise how the Duke of Windsor collaborated with the Nazis:
- Tour of Germany: In 1937, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor toured Germany, meeting with Hitler and other Nazi leaders. The duke wrote a thank you letter to Hitler expressing gratitude for their time together at his mountain retreat.
- Public Address: In May 1939, as Britain teetered on the brink of war, the duke recorded a message encouraging Britain to come to terms with Nazi Germany. The BBC refused to air the address, viewing it as propaganda.
- Relationship with Espírito Santo: During their stay in Portugal, the duke and duchess were hosted by Ricardo Espírito Santo, who had connections to Nazi Germany. Espírito Santo provided information on the Windsors to the German minister in Portugal.
- Marburg Files: Documents found after the war, known as the Marburg files, revealed extensive communication between agents around the Duke of Windsor and Nazi Germany. The duke believed that continued bombing of Britain would lead to peace and was willing to go to great lengths to achieve his aims.
- Cover-Up: After the war, the British government, led by Winston Churchill, conspired with the duke to suppress the story of his collaboration with the Nazis. The episode was largely erased from the official record, and the duke spent the rest of his life in exile, never returning to Britain.
Overall, the duke’s collaboration with the Nazis was extensive and included communication, support, and willingness to further Nazi objectives, even at the expense of his own country.
Despite there being so much evidence of how the British themselves were Nazi sympathisers and there being multiple fanboys of Hitler across the world, especially in Germany, Rathee is focused on peddling false propaganda against the RSS as directed by his paymasters.
For all the drama he created around WhatsApp, Rathee himself has created a WhatsApp channel to disseminate 100 crore messages per day – irony died multiple deaths in this instance.