“Congress 2024 manifesto, Communist manifesto of China?”, New Indian, April 23, 2024:
“The Congress party duly deserves credit for opening up the Indian economy in 1991, which paved the way for growth, development, jobs, and prosperity. The party, in its 2024 parliamentary elections manifesto, could have dedicated at least a whole page to how the Narasimha Rao government turned around the India story from a basket case to a potential power. But it wrapped up Rao’s accomplishments in just one paragraph in the manifesto. Sonia Gandhi would not approve of glorifying Rao and, more importantly, the party would tie itself in knots if it looked back at its policies both pre- and post-economic liberalization and compared them with its proposed contradictory ideas in the latest manifesto.
If it regains its political fortunes and comes back to power, as per the Congress manifesto of 2024, the party will ensure equality and equity in India and create a socialist utopia. It “will establish an authority to monitor the distribution to the poor of government land and surplus land under the land ceiling Acts” and “address the growing inequality of wealth and income through suitable changes in policies.”
In other words, the Congress party will ensure that all land and property come under the control of the state and are redistributed among everyone (including all the illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and Rohingyas) equally. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is therefore not wrong in inferring from the Congress manifesto that the party seeks to economically demolish the competition, talent, innovators, hardworking wealth creators and taxpayers who form the backbone of the Indian economy. It will undo the individual prosperity earned by ordinary Indians with their blood and sweat……”
Read the full article at Newindian.in