Suhail Pasha, a BJP leader from Uttarkhand who is the BJP Minority Morcha’s former District President in Dehradun, tendered his resignation on 16 April Friday after a video showing him boasting about making the village ‘Brahmin free’ went viral.
The video put out by YouTube Channel Pachhwadoon Khabar on April 14 showed Pasha threatening to free Jeevangarh village of all Pandits. “Jeevangarh was once called the hub of Pandits. And as of today, Jeevangarh is on the verge of being freed from the Pandits” Pasha was heard saying.
Pasha is even seen cautioning the people that if Holi celebrations were held then he would ask Muslims to offer Eid Namaz in the middle of Pitt Bazaar. He makes it clear that even though there is a mosque and Muslims need not offer prayers in the market, he’ll instigate Muslims to do so only to create chaos.
Following the video going viral on social media, several organizations including Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Uttarakhand Pragati Manch, and others demanded action be taken against Pasha for hurting religious sentiments through his comments on the Brahmin community.
Demonstrations were also held against Pasha in Dehradun’s Herbertpur chowk where protestors set his effigy on fire. Demonstrators said that such comments from a district-level leader wouldn’t be tolerated and protests would be intensified if no action was taken against Pasha.
After the widespread criticism directed at him, Pasha tendered his resignation. However, in his defense, he said that the viral video had been maliciously edited to present him in a bad light and show that he had made derogatory comments against an entire community when in reality he had been speaking about one influential Brahmin family that held power Dakhpathhar gram panchayat. He added that he was only talking about wiping out that particular family and not the entire Brahmin community.
In his resignation letter, Pasha claims that it is a conspiracy against him and that the matter is fairly investigated so that the real culprits are punished. He asked the Uttarakhand BJP chief to accept his resignation while pointing out that he had strengthened the party in Muslim-dominated area.
(Featured Image Source: Youtube/ Pachhhwadoon Khabar)
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