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Sunday, July 7, 2024


Troubling Documentary Reveals Kairana like Hindu Exodus in Heart of Delhi

A troubling new documentary has revealed that a Hindu exodus similar to that in Kairana, West UP is currently underway in the Sundar Nagri area...

Colonialism to Star Dot Star Colonialism: A Contracting Universe

Colonialism is Dead. Long Live Star-Dot-Star Colonialism? Unguarded slips reveal an inner mindset. The Queen of England’s comment on Chinese rudeness was one such. And then there was one from Marc Andreessen...

“Terrorists killed her for being a Hindu,” says kin of Tarishi Jain, 19 year old Murdered in Dhaka Attack

Tarishi Jain was just 19, a young adult enrolled in an economics course with one of the top colleges in the world, and with...

Bangladesh Under Siege by Islamists

Bangladesh is a nation which is over 90% Muslim, where Islam is recognized as the state religion, and Islamists dominate socio-political life to such...

The Need to Promote Hindu Identity

If you do not value your own tradition, other people will not value it either, however important it may be. If you do not...

My Yajna and Indology

I will start with a powerful analogy. Imagine, hypothetically, that the streets in your neighbourhood are very dirty. This is because garbage was being...

Hindu LKG Student Expelled from Christian School for Having a Shikha

In an act of extreme intolerance, a Christian school in Bengaluru expelled a 3 year old LKG student just because the child had a...

Hindu Reporter in Pakistan Forced to Drink from Separate Glass in Office

Stories of discrimination and ill-treatment against Hindus in Pakistan are not new and another such case has come to light where a Hindu reporter in...

Poisoning Impressionable Minds Part-3

The list grows endlessly, and another series of similar distortions are noted in the tenth standard ICSE history textbooks as well...

Fearing riots, Dadri’s Hindu man-Muslim woman couple refused marriage registration

Dadri is again in the news, but this time for UP Government authorities who refused a marriage registration for a Hindu man and a Muslim woman, fearing...

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