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Friday, July 5, 2024


Engines of Star-Dot-Star Colonialism

Star-dot-Star capitalism draws its energy and inspiration from sanctioned Doctrines of Supremacy of Culture or Religion or Region of Race or even of Species...

The Need to Promote Hindu Identity

If you do not value your own tradition, other people will not value it either, however important it may be. If you do not...

Poisoning Impressionable Minds Part-3

The list grows endlessly, and another series of similar distortions are noted in the tenth standard ICSE history textbooks as well...

Fearing riots, Dadri’s Hindu man-Muslim woman couple refused marriage registration

Dadri is again in the news, but this time for UP Government authorities who refused a marriage registration for a Hindu man and a Muslim woman, fearing...

Poisoning Impressionable Minds – Part 1

This is the first part of a 3-part article series which covers what our history textbooks teach our children, and why we should be...

Hindu Dharma beyond borders: Etching marks through festivals and traditions

Mark Twain said that the land of Bharat is “one land that all men desire to see”. This remark was not a hearsay from...

Media Sophistry over Jihadi Threat to Bharat 

The recent ISIS propaganda video showing Bharat born jihadis threatening to attack the country, and the way it has been covered by sections of media...

Pakistan & LeT Flags Waved at ‘Moderate’ Hurriyat Faction Rally in Kashmir

Pakistan and LeT (Lashkar-e-Taiba) flags were raised during a rally in Kashmir organized by the so-called 'moderate' separatist Hurriyat leader Mirwaiz Umar Farooq. Addressing the crowd...

Hegemony And Hindu Dharma In the West Indies – Part 9

The survival of Hindu Dharma necessitates a counter-hegemony. It has always been so in the long history of Hindu Dharma...

Why Saving Souls and Conversion is False Imagination

The western term “soul” is sometimes used for the Hindu term “Atman”. The two terms can be very different in meaning...

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