“Newslaundry compares Gandhi’s ‘experiments with celibacy’, where he slept naked with girls, to PM Modi’s marital status in a video targeting Prof Anand Ranganathan”, Opindia, June 28, 2023:
“On June 28, Newslaundry stooped to another low in journalism with a below-the-belt attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In a 24-minute video, under their section ‘Tippani’ (comment in English), Newslaundry’s Atul Chaurasia ranted against Professor Anand Ranganathan for his comments on MK Gandhi. During the video, Chaurasia tried to draw a strange parallel between Gandhi’s celibacy experiments and PM Modi’s married life.
Chaurasia said, “Gandhi bluntly believed in idealism. Gandhi himself told the world about his experiments with celibacy. He did not hide it. He used to sleep naked while his granddaughter lived in the same room. It was a strange experiment.
His associates were also stressed about it. But if you are from ‘Ranga Bridage’, you will describe it as ‘Gandhi used to sleep with his granddaughter’. This is a cunning way of describing it. Sleeping with granddaughter and sleeping in granddaughter’s presence are two different things…..”
Read the full article at Opindia.com