“The Kind of Hindus that Drafted our Legislations After Independence”, Dharma Dispatch, July 24, 2023:
“THE MISFORTUNE OF HINDU SOCIETY today is that power to affect its law and life has fallen into the hands of persons whose Hinduism is to be found only in official entries of personal particulars in public documents like census records.
Their knowledge of the Hindu scriptures is of the hearsay kind, and their faith in their teaching is less than skin-deep. They feel apologetic about practices and beliefs which the Western world is unable to endorse. Not that they prefer the Christian or the Moslem or other any other religion to Hinduism. As such, they find all religion sniffed at by their inner nature as so much gibberish.
The good to them is that which is good to eat; the true is that which is true to the hand-grasp. They have no feel for any values less gross. Their one passion is for what they regard as ” modernism” — to make India a replica of America or Russia…..”
Read the full article at Dharmadispatch.in