A retired district court judge has put his intellect on display by ‘if not for Mughal benevolence, Hindus would have gone extinct’ in Bharat. Vasantha Mulasavalagi, the retired district judge, also committed sacrilege against Hindu Dharma by saying that Bhagwan Ram and Krishna are ‘fictional characters’
Speaking at a seminar titled ‘Has objectives of the Constitution been fulfilled?’ in Vijayapura, Karnataka he said, “You keep saying that Muslims did this and that. Muslims have ruled this country for 700 years as per history. If they were against Hindus, they would have killed all of you, they were kings and didn’t practice democracy, then how did they become minorities? These examples are not given, Akbar’s wife was a Hindu but she didn’t convert. He even built a Krishna temple. For people who now talk they have no knowledge of history and we who listen don’t have brains”.
To defend Babri masjid, he took the line of ‘historians’ like Romila Thappar in claiming that ‘Buddhist shrines were converted to temples’. He said, “In the 1990s, a law came into force that the origin of religious places shouldn’t be delved into post independence, status quo should be maintained, but even then a district court ordered to check for a shivling. There’s a shivling in Uttarakhand where there are Buddha statues all around. You talk about Mandir and Masjid, but one should know that before the Mandir, there was the historic Ashoka. Ram or Krishna are only characters in a novel, not historical figures”.
This not only exposes his anti-Hindu mindset but his shallow knowledge of history as well. By quoting incidents that do not have solid historical backing, like Akbar having a Hindu wife, or not killing Hindus, he has laid bare his bias towards Islamic invaders and his knowledge of Mughal history. Perhaps he thought anything said by someone of his stature would go uncontested and sought to beguile the common man into believing such things.
With the advent of social media such ‘intellectuals’ get not only exposed but taken to task as well. In the name of secularism academics, judiciary and media either lie through their teeth or pass off pseudo-intellectualism as the absolute truth. It is especially true for the judiciary which goes way beyond its limits in lecturing people about things beyond their understanding and scrutiny, all the while making the common man grovel to get even deserved justice.
Coming back to the judge’s comments, Akbar had 300 wives and there is no historical proof that one of them was Jodha Bai. In his own words Akbar said, “har tarf shawwad kushta Sud-I-Islam ast” meaning “which ever side may be slain, Islam is the gainer”, when he took sides in a scuffle between groups of sanyasis and slaughtered hundreds of them in cold blood.
As for Muslims remaining minorities despite “ruling for 700 years”, it was not because they didn’t try to eradicate Hindus. The sheer number of Hindus and Hindu kings’ valour dampened those efforts. Akbar took the name ‘Ghazi’, a honorific used for Muslim fighters against non-Muslims, after the Second Battle of Panipat. He made a tower out of the heads of the soldiers killed in this battle and sent Hindu king Hemachandra Vikramaditya’s (Hemu) head to be put on a pike in Kabul and the trunk in Delhi.
Akbar killed 40,000 Hindus, innocent civilians who had taken refuge in the fort, after he captured Chittorgarh fort. He prided himself in saying that he was “busy in jihad” and the defeat of Chittor itself was proclaimed to be a victory of Islam over infidels as Rajiv Tuli of RSS media wing writes here.
Even Western historians were not as biased towards Muslims as the Bharatiya ones as we see James Todd, an oriental scholar wrote, “Akbar had measured the “killed ones” by weighing their janeu. After ransacking Chittor, the weight of the janeus was 74.5 mann (1 Mann = 40 kg)”. These are only a few historical facts that are totally at odds with what the likes of judge Vasantha Mulasavalagi try to imbibe our masses with.
His claims about Buddhist shrines built by Ashoka being converted into Hindu temples were destroyed decades ago when great dharmik scholar Sita Ram Goel took Romila Thappar to the cleaners. It is one thing to toe the line of Nehruvian leftist ‘historians’, but to call the gods of one particular religion as fictional characters goes against the neutrality someone in judiciary should have. His comments about Bhagwan Ram and Krishna seem to have been in regard to the Ram Janma Bhoomi and Krishna Janma Bhoomi issues.
With more than enough historical and architectural proof to show the existence of Hindu temples in both places, and yet daring to dismiss them shows what harm the judge could have done in the name of secularism when he was in a position of power. Unfortunately, judiciary seems to have become an echo chamber of such pseudo-intellectuals, with no respite from such babblings in the near future.
Hinduism came first, Islam much later. Hinduism dates back thousands of years older than Islam. If Hindusim can survive these many years without Islam, it could well survive without ‘Mughal benevolence’, please be sure. How a judge could make such an unwarranted statement is a surprise to me.
Who decapitated 10 million innocent Hindus ?