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Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Love Jihad Modus Operandi: How Naive Hindu Girls Are Trapped and Converted to Islam by Islamists

Love jihad – a term that we constantly keep reading about these days. Several leftists and alleged journalists churn out books and articles one after the other, claiming Love Jihad is a myth. So, what is love jihad? As we all know, love jihad is the practice by which Islamists trap unsuspecting Hindus (men or women – primarily women) under the garb of “love” either by maintaining their original identities or by pretending to be Hindus. Through love jihad, the Islamists get into (by coercion as well) a relationship with the Hindu girl or boy and force them to convert to Islam. This form of jihad is rampant across the country, and only now are people speaking about it. 

All those journalists and leftist “intellectuals” who are in a denial mode of this form of jihad, do check out what this victim of the barbarism has to say. 

Victim testimonial

In a heartbreaking testament to the insidious tactics of Love Jihad, Geetha (name changed), a Hindu woman, shares her traumatic ordeal of being coerced into converting to Islam by her Muslim husband. In a profoundly personal video interview, Geetha recounts her journey from innocence to manipulation, shedding light on the deceptive practices employed by Islamists to prey on vulnerable Hindu girls.

Geetha begins by discussing her upbringing in a traditional Hindu household in a village where she was raised to be independent and open-minded. Despite her liberal upbringing, Geetha’s exposure to other faiths was limited. Believing in the commonality of all religions, she adhered to basic Hindu traditions. Moving to the city for higher education, she encountered the Islamist through a friend, sparking a new chapter in her life.

The Muslim man initially appeared to be accommodating and non-religious. She believed his upbringing, surrounded by Hindu friends, reflected a liberal outlook. His occasional visits to the mosque didn’t hint at devoutness, and he did not force her to visit the mosque at this stage in the relationship. Despite some early red flags, Geetha fell in love, believing that their interfaith relationship could overcome any differences.

However, as their relationship progressed, Geetha’s then-lover began to assert his Islamic beliefs, gradually imposing restrictions on her freedom and religious practices. While the Islamist initially pretended to be non-religious, he had to “face parental disapproval” due to these religious differences. What is interesting here is that the Islamist claimed his mother was also a Hindu earlier. 

Despite objections, they married and pursued careers abroad. Geetha’s Hindu beliefs remained unchanged, but he patiently introduced Islamic practices over time. Despite struggles, their bond “strengthened”, leading to a registered marriage.

Geetha also acknowledges that things seemed smooth until his parents were not involved. When they started poking their nose, under pressure from his family, the husband insisted on a religious Islamic marriage ceremony, especially after announcing her pregnancy and marriage to his family. He consented to their requests, gradually introducing Islamic practices: speaking Urdu, wearing hijab, and forgoing Hindu symbols. Despite adjustments, she remained firm in her Hindu faith, unwilling to abandon her beliefs.

During her pregnancy, he persuaded her to convert to Islam for a traditional marriage. Alone during his job search, she faced struggles, compromising Hindu rituals for Islamic beliefs. Post-birth, he unexpectedly added a Muslim name to their child. At a mosque, she unwittingly underwent a conversion ceremony. Devastated upon realizing the truth, she confronted him, but he claimed ignorance. Assured it was not mandatory to follow Islam, she relaxed, her conversion deemed insincere. Despite adjusting to their relationship, the deception left her disillusioned. 

Slowly, religious differences started cropping up. Despite her attempts to reconcile their religious differences, he resorted to physical and mental abuse when she refused to embrace Islam. With police involvement, she decided to divorce him. Determined to raise their son with exposure to both religions, she faced restrictions and control at home, unable to practice Hindu Dharma or enjoy personal freedoms. Regardless of her efforts, his increasing religious fervour and imposition of Sharia practices led her to the brink of escaping the ongoing mental anguish and securing custody of her child.

In closing, Geetha delivers a poignant message to her fellow Hindu sisters and young Hindu girls, urging them to be vigilant and cautious in their relationships with Muslim men. She warns against the illusion of love and acceptance, emphasizing that Islamists prioritize their religion above all else, often at the expense of their partners’ well-being.

Summarising, the modus operandi is as follows:

  • Get introduced through a mutual friend
  • Become close
  • Pretend not to be religiously inclined/liberal
  • Do not introduce to parents/family
  • Make girl pregnant
  • Slowly make marriage promises
  • Once marriage is accepted – force religious conversion
  • Abuse sets in, curbing all kinds of freedom 

Today, Geetha finds herself living in constant fear and oppression, with no recourse but to seek divorce. Her heartbreaking plea for help serves as a stark warning to other Hindu girls who may be vulnerable to similar tactics.

Geetha’s experience highlights the deceptive tactics used by Islamists in Love Jihad, where Hindu girls are lured into relationships under false pretences, only to be coerced into converting to Islam. The process often involves emotional manipulation, isolation, and physical abuse, leaving victims like Geetha feeling trapped and powerless.

Geetha’s story is a sobering reminder of the dangers posed by Love Jihad and the urgent need for greater awareness and protection for vulnerable Hindu girls. 

At HinduPost, we report instances of Love Jihad daily, and yet the girls in our Hindu fold are getting trapped in the web of deceit by Islamists. We hope this testament by Geetha, a real victim, will serve as an example not to do what she did and save themselves. 

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  1. I had this discussion with Geetha; you can view our 75-minute conversation at the link provided in this article. It’s certainly a painful story. Geetha wishes religion wouldn’t come into their otherwise beautiful life. It’s not just the couple, but also their son and extended families who will pay the price for religious supremacist ideologies.

    A person in love at age 18 and in college may not realize it, but people tend to reconnect with their roots as they age; do not underestimate this point. As suggested in my video, if you’re in love with someone from a different religion, please meet their parents and clearly communicate the understanding between you two. If they don’t agree, listen to their concerns and understand why. Furthermore, Geetha should have visited his mosque during their dating period and met the imam there to seek blessings. It’s better to take an extra year to iron out all issues before getting married; otherwise, you and your families will pay the price for life.

    The best advice for anyone in an interfaith relationship is ‘No BBS’ (see the video for what it means). If the love is true, there shouldn’t be any reason to ask for religious conversion.

    Regarding the term ‘Love-Jihad,’ I’ve explained my views on my Patheos blog in this post:


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