“Islamic scholar Atiq ur Rehman wants Muslims to be ‘credited’ for not ‘completely destroying’ Hindu temple underneath the disputed Gyanvapi mosque”, Opindia, January 30, 2024:
“On Monday (29th January), Islamic scholar Atiq ur Rehman attempted to downplay the desecration of Hindu temples by Islamic invaders and claimed that the Muslim community should be credited for not destroying evidence of mosques being built atop Hindu temples.
During a panel discussion on the disputed Gynavapi masjid and the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) report on News18, Rehman brazened out, “The Muslim side could have wiped off everything. Every sign of Mandir could have been wiped off but they kept it.”
“Why did they keep it? Because they were given an assurance that it wouldn’t be challenged. And they respected those artefacts,” he remarked…..”
Read the full article at Opindia.com