“After killing Arjun, Army sets up next-generation tank project for failure”, Swarajyamag, February 22, 2024:
“After the Arjun tank program, it appears that the Indian Army is now trying to kill its future next-generation tank program.
The new tank, referred to by the army as the Future Ready Combat Vehicle (FRCV), aims to replace around 2,500 four-decade-old Soviet-origin T-72 tanks first acquired in 1982.
In addition to the T-72 tanks and their upgraded variants — the T-72 Combat Improved Ajeya (CIA) Mk-1 and Mk-2 — the Army operates more than 1,200 T-90 tanks, bought from Russia in various batches, and 124 Made-in-India Arjun Mk-1 tanks, with an additional 118 upgraded Arjun Mk-1A tanks on order….”
Read the full article at Swarajyamag.com