In a highly repulsive and disgusting incident, locals have exposed a biryani shop named Shama Biryani situated in the Railway Underpass along Kalka Road, Pinjore, Haryana. It has been alleged that the said Dhaba owner was using gutter water to prepare the biryani and other edible items.
The video capturing this incident has gone viral on social media, sparking outrage among the netizens. Most of the people are asking for a complete economic boycott of such people who are serving contaminated food to the innocent people. People are even referring to them as “Jihadis” who prepare contaminated food that can lead to severe health issues.
Few locals approached the dhaba to consume biryani, but suddenly they were alarmed by a foul odor emanating from the vicinity. Their suspicions led them to inspect the surrounding areas of the shop, where they were shocked to discover pipes connected from the gutter into the food preparation area.
Shocked and disgusted by this revelation, the locals immediately contacted the police and other residents to address the situation. In a futile attempt to downplay the incident, the shop owner even attempted to bribe the customers with Rs 5,000. The dhaba owner was requesting the customers not to record the incident on video, asking for forgiveness, and promising not to repeat such actions.
A legal activism group named Kalinga Rights Forum has filed a complaint with the Director General of Police (DGP) in Haryana, demanding the immediate arrest of the biryani shop owner and staff involved in food preparation. The group has also approached the Food Safety and Standard Authority of India (FSSAI) to cancel the food joint’s license and conduct a thorough investigation.