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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Parliament Security Breach: This CRUCIAL detail of gigantic proportions is being missed by even our nationalist media – PART-3

In the last part, we saw the ongoing, real-time MASSIVE hypocrisy that is, ridiculous in EXTREME, when it comes to Abrahmo-Leftist identity politics, and applying it to terrorist-attack on our parliament on 13-Dec-2023. Finishing with a promise to discuss what I then called the ‘Cross-Border targeting of soft-identities…’ and exposing that particular hypocrisy.

Here, we shall do that.

The Abrahmo-Leftist Oracle’s failed prophecies about Multiculturalism

Because when violence was inflicted on poor Hindus by hateful Islamists, in our former colonial overlords’ historical lands, due to their suicidal time-bomb called ‘multiculturalism’ and its ideal testing ground called Leicester; Abrahmo-Leftists favorite attack dog and ISIS-Apologists’ favorite Guardian and its Hijabi reporters, they were all sniffing around Hindu neighborhoods for ‘responsibility’ and drawing specious and completely imaginary connections to “Hindutva” “RSS” … even “BJP” and “Bharat”, for the riot being “exported to civilized Great Britain from savage lands of brown Hindoo pagans.” Their articles about drawing false-connections to “Hindu-nationalism” with Leicester violence is still up. These people had even blamed Hindus and Bharat for misinformation and hate when nearly all of the major sources of communally dangerous misinformation were local, British Islamists targeting Hindus.

To this date, there’s no proof, anywhere, that Hindutva, Hinduism, Hindu nationalism, Bharat, BJP or RSS has any role to play at all in what was, essentially, an Islamist riot-mongering collective targeting of Hindus since months before.

But all things having their identities as “Hindu” and which were rooted in “Bharat” were still declared guilty.

No questions were asked of Islamists.

And certainly no responsibility were affixed on them.

And that was just a minor riot, in which, let me remind everyone, no-one died. Just like Parliament Security Breach on 13-December-2023 (which should, arguably be treated as a bigger concern as far as “attack on democracy” bit is concerned, not in the least because terrorists themselves have admitted their ideological affiliations and there’s video proof of their attack on Parliament).

But still, after Leicester riots, Hindutva, Bharatiya culture, Hindu Dharma and everything related was declared – without a shred of proof or logic – an “enemy of democracy!” not just in Bharat but even in our former colonial overlords’ historical homeland, the United ‘Kingdom’!


That’s not even the beginning or end of this phenomenon.

Because when “Secular” commie ruled Kerala had INDI alliance’s ideological brothers Jamaat-e-Islami, inviting senior Hamas leaders, an organization that had just committed the worst single-day massacre of Jews since holocaust, in a terrorist attack which included rapes of women, beheading and/or burning of little babies in their cribs and cold-blooded murder of the elderly, to address a set of ‘Muslim’ rallies…after those events, no-one was demanding the summery prosecution in Bharat – and elsewhere – of ‘Muslim’ identity, ‘Muslim Ummah politics’, ‘Radicalization of Muslims’, ‘Muslim Transnational Repression’, ‘Muslims exporting terrorism abroad’ ‘Muslim Glorification of Islamist terrorism and hate,’ ‘Muslims using Al-Aqsa mosque as tool of terror,’ ‘Muslim treatment of women – especially kaffir women’, ‘Muslim Islamist threat to democracy in Bharat (and Israel)’, ‘Muslims organizing rallies preaching hate’, ‘Militant Islamism and their Muslim followers proven a threat to secular democracy’


There wasn’t any link drawn by ‘Abrahmo-Leftist defenders of democracy’, for cross-border ‘Muslim’ identity politics directly supporting terrorism and hence proven a threat to democracy – in Bharat or elsewhere.

In fact, Jamaat outfits brazened it out, by saying Hamas is ‘technically’ not a terrorist organization in Bharat. And so they’ll do it again.

Well, RSS and other Hindutva outfits aren’t either. Anywhere. Unlike Hamas – which is designated a terror organization by lots of ‘civilized’ western countries themselves.

But that never stopped globalist Abrahmo-Leftists from screaming about “Hindutva terrorism!” from the top of secular rooftops either, right?

To put it in perspective:

For a Hindu-Muslim minor riot in Leicester that had no connection at all to Hindus or Bharat – and for which major sources of anti-Hindu fake news drenched in hate were deployed by British Islamists of Pakistani descent themselves, for months prior to that riot; entire Hindu identity, its icons, its politics and religion and religious history in Bharat was prosecuted viciously in the court of Abrahmo-Leftist public opinion.


Islamist outfits in Bharat inviting leaders of designated foreign terrorist organization like Hamas that had just committed the worst single-day masacre of Jews since holocaust – and for which they (and their Islamists hosts in Bharat) brazenly took responsibility as well, for both the massacre and invitation – there’s no prosecution of ‘Muslim’ identity and ‘Islam’ at all about that cross-border event of proven, actual terrorism glorification and how it could be a threat to ‘Secular democracy’. In Bharat and elsewhere.

Democracy in Danger?  Yes, but from whom?

In fact, as far as ‘threat to democracy’ rant is concerned in this regard, perhaps nothing makes it clearer – and puts the GIANT HYPOCRISY front and center inherent in Abrahmo-Leftists’ discourse – than stuff like this, an opinion piece written by an ‘ex’-congress spokesperson. In the far, far-left magazine arm of the already far-left and ironically named alleged ‘newspaper’ The Hindu. The magazine had always been at the Frontline of pushing anti-Hindu, anti-Bharat narratives but it scored a new disgraceful extremist low recently when it mainstreamed the same dreaded Hamas Islamist group’s leaders like Mousa Abu Marzouk, and brought national shame to Bharat by pushing his Jihadi terrorist propaganda here in the name of an ‘interview’; when even Jewish nation’s ambassador had to publicly come out and denounce it in an open letter. But, when called out for such mainstreaming of Jihadi terrorist propaganda like that, instead of showing sensitivity to a friendly nation suffering in the aftermath of a shocking Jihadi terrorist attack; a nation that had always helped us in staving off bloody invasions, wars and terrorism from our brutal Islamist hate and terror factory of a neighbor – even when we had no diplomatic relations due to Islamist pressure campaigns and globalization of appeasement politics – the propaganda outlet refused to apologize, refused to condemn a Jihadi palestinian terrorist organization, brazened it out and doubled down on victim-blaming.

It shouldn’t surprise us, considering the intriguing set of variables at play here, revolving around a single constant. Singing the same commie tune, dancing to the same dragon drunken master’s fire-breathing orchestra of death.

  • China refused to so much as fully sympathize with Jews and Israelis after Oct-7 Jihadi terrorist attack on Israel.
  • China and its propaganda app TikTok have been fuelling the global fires of anti-Semitism (including within the Social-Media company itself!) – especially in the west, where its always simmering, and which has recently imported lots of undocumented tinderboxes from Middle-East and Africa where jew hatred is inherent in the extremist Jihadi culture.
  • Chinese ambassador has bestowed his irreligious commie blessings right at The Hindu’s headquarters. Also, The Hindu had, in the not-so-recent past either, pushed full-page paid Chinese commie propaganda, even during worst of the times of our nation, like Galwan-Clash.
  • And of course, the far-left Nehru-Gandhi dynasty congress has a Super-Secret MoU with Chinese Communist Party, since 2008! Signed by those Queens from Italy and Princes in Cambridge on ‘our’ (commie ‘our’ – not Bharatiya our) side – and, on commie CCP side, then-Prince-Regent of Jinping Dynasty, Comrade Chiarman Xe himself!

Maybe that article was one of those natural outcomes from this globalized commie arrangement.

What did it do?

Essentially glorified terrorists who breached Bharatiya parliament!

Ranted long and hard against the government, instead of condemning far-left terrorism.

Essentially justifying the terrorist-attack and terrorists.

And it wasn’t alone in that.

Apart from the anti-national deluge we’d all seen in support of terrorists on social media, there were gems like this thisthis and this as well, apart from that article written by an ‘Ex’-Congress spokesperson.

In fact, the theme of these ‘opinion-pieces’ and ‘news-reports’, both domestic and foreign (like here, here and here ) – not to mention the deluge from Abrahmo-Leftists in social media, about the whole spectrum of issues surrounding the security breach – including opposition’s behavior and government’s response following it – can be summed as this:

‘Hindutva fascist government enemy of democracy, ‘attacking’ and ‘demolishing’ it. Youth were ‘not terrorists but protestors’, protesting against tyranny, ‘defending’ democracy.’

This really is the height of democratic hypocrisy of Abrahmo-Leftists

To put this in proper perspective:

Hindutva, politically marginalized by anti-Hindu, Euro-centric, Abrahmo-Leftist lapdogs – both in government establishment and in Civil Society after 1947; demonized as ‘communal’ and termed as ‘political pariah’ in a gamed system where State and Civil-Society both pandered to minorities even after a bloody partition and stolen Hindu-lands; a catastrophes imposed on us by these same foreign forces…  that Hindutva, barely scraped through all these 7 decades by the skin of its teeth; with nothing except sheer belief in dharma and selfless service; with no foreign patronage in the name of ‘religious freedom’ or ‘secularism’ or even ‘democracy’ and ‘Civil Society’ – despite RSS being the biggest voluntary organization in the world; it lost not dozens or hundreds but thousands and lakhs of its dedicated workers in so-called ‘Secular’ State’s repression and brutal crackdowns, imprisoned and dead, not to mention under the repeated assaults of so-called ‘dari-hui minorities’ and yet this Hindutva, it still kept up with its grass-roots hard work, again, with nothing except its selfless workers’ belief in dharma and desh, accumulating people’s trust and blessings for yearsand when it eventually did earn the power, a seat at the highest table, it was NOT a throne! Whatever it earned, it was through the worship at the altar of temple of democracy: the Parliament; whatever it earned, it was through, We, the People’s approval, with our democratic mandate, won in free and fair elections.

It was with that right and duty, BJP and NDA’s members were there in that august house of parliament on 13-December-2023.

Not like these thugs and terrorists, who’d barged in, uninvited and unwelcomed – whatever their motivations they certainly hadn’t earned the right to be on the floor of our parliament, through any democratic process at all! There are reports that these people wanted to start their own political outfit. And used this terrorist stunt as a launchpad. Barring aside the despicable reality that Abrahmo-Leftists keep accusing Hindtuva of using Hindu issues like Ram-Temple only as a political tool but these ‘secular’ terrorists actually used the defiling of the temple of secular democracy: The Parliament – and openly admitted to their intention of it being nothing more than a political-ploy, barring aside all that, there’s an even bigger question to ask:  Who voted for them? What elections they’d won? From where and what kind of people they’d represent under our democratic structure that gave them the ‘right’ to even set foot inside our parliament without participating in a single electoral process? Bypassing all democratic norms and barging in, with threats of inflammatory substances at hand, literally, trying to impose their individualwill on elected representatives chosen by We, The People…

I’d say that’s a hallmark of ‘power through the barrel of a gun’, no?

Last I checked it was called ‘dictatorship.’ And yet these terrorists had the gall to raise slogans like ‘Tanashahi nahi chalegi!

Its so… Forget even about earning a shred of valid representation! Everyone from Abrahmo-Leftists who keeps screaming and beating their chests about ‘democracy’ and ‘constitution’ and ‘rule of law,’ and yet insists on calling these terrorists as mere ‘protestors’… to them I say this: Tell me where it’s written in Bharatiya constitution; or rules & regulation for spectators – or even MPs – inside parliament; or heck, any book of law, either old colonial ones or those newly passed by government, that says that a bharatiya citizen has a fundamental right to evade security measures, breach the parliament, unleash fiery and smokey substances, and shout whatever they’d want without speaker’s permission, on parliament’s floor, while parliament’s in session? That any of it falls under legitimate forms of ‘protest’ in Bharatiya democracy? I’ll challenge even Sibals, Bhushans, Singhvis, Gonsalves, Lokurs, Jaisinghs to prove it.

But anyway…

Considering what has happened in Israel, there’s definitely not near enough emphasis on Islam and Muslim identities – the way it’s certainly been about Jewish identities and Hindu identities and even woke identities!

As such…

It is extremely astonishing then, that the “identity” “ideologies” “politics” and “icons” of those who’d attacked parliament on 13 December 2023, are left alone too, by those who are the unchallenged experts in seeing everything through the blinkered lens of “identity politics”.


Maybe they’re being left alone exactly because of this : “identity politics of Abrahmo-Leftists.”

Because after Muslims, the 2nd best, safest bet is being a woke Left-Liberal.

Then surely, “Terrorism has no religion and terrorists have no identity.”

So, what are you telling me? That I can dodge woke bullets of reverse hypocrisy charge about MP Pratap Simha?

No, my Bhagwa-Pilled fellow Hindu. I’m telling you, that when you truly accept Hindu Dharma as your guiding principle, you don’t have to!

Let me clarify it here because unlike them, I’m not a hypocrite when it comes to national-security.

Even if Mr. Simha was not part of the terrorist conspiracy… If he was just duped, his trust betrayed, by a cunning Abrahmo-Leftist terrorist operative, even then – Hardline Hindutvavadi or not – the man showed a grave error of judgment. Such a man should not be anywhere close to political power, let alone a Representative of People from any Parliamentary Constituency. Making laws for ‘We, the People,’ a task that requires (at least theoretically) keen intellect and superb powers of judgment.

And yes, it’s true that MPs and MLAs have proven themselves, in the past, rank fools and utter simpletons, getting duped by cunning fraudsters and professional schemers. But this is not a mere outraged public embarrassment matter of ‘Please send the OTP for claiming the prize of 20 lakh bumper offer!’ or getting photographed with some unsavory element who later turned out to be a local thug or just a cartoon character.


If him issuing visitor’s passes to the Agent Smiths of Abrhamo-Leftist machine are true, then:

Pratap Simha trusted a terrorist.

His actions, deliberate or not, allowed a set of terrorists to come inside Parliament – the highest seat of our nation’s power – with a tool that could as easily have been a bomb or a bio-weapon manufactured in commie china full of deadly pandemic viruses.

I’m sympathetic to him, I really am, if he was betrayed by someone he’d trusted.

Believe me, as a man who writes Spy-Thrillers, I know, (as far as it’s possible for a civilian who has no connection to actual spies, to know) just how utterly devastating a blow it can be to anyone. It’s the central premise and biggest challenge for us as writers: to make this moment’s impact as hard-hitting as possible for readers. ‘To find out that you’ve been…used. Like a tool in the hands of a crafty person. And not just for any ordinary reason but whatever you did, with it, you may have unintentionally helped in selling out national-secrets or assisted in treason.’

Urduwood had always made a big deal about ‘betrayal’ in doomed romances.

But I say that its not romance, but espionage, which is the core genre of ‘betrayal’

Sure, with a break-up, a single life or even a family or 2 families might be devastated.

But treason against an entire nation – especially if its world’s the most populous nation, of 1.4 billion people, a people who had a long and sordid history of suffering from betrayals from lots Jayachnads and yet who still refuse to learn from history and proudly ally and collude with enemies of Hindu civilization… yeah, urduwood and its ‘sad-songs’ can stuff it!

And that’s the ultimate point.

Fiction is written so that reality can avoid those mistakes.

And in as dangerous a genre as spy-thrillers – where National Security is at stake, there’s no room for tolerating errors and pardoning ‘mistakes.’

Especially if its non-fiction, to put it mildly.

Besides, what kind of Hindutvavadis we are, if we treat a scenario of 1 Hindutva-vadi getting lax with national-security, to the detriment of a parliamentary majority full of other Hindutvavadi MPs?

What if it was a bomb or bio-wepaon, and this was parliament’s joint session where President’s address was going on?

President Murmu, Vice-President Dhankar, PM Modi, HM Shah, MoD Rajnath Singh, EAM Jayshankar, FM Sitharaman… not to mention scores of other ministers and erudite MPs who’d worked day-in and day-out for Hindutva, for decades!

All of our political leadership and gems of Hindutva would’ve been wiped out in 1 stroke!

Because of one mistake by 1 ‘Hardline Hindutva-vadi’ MP – if we too, start playing this heinous game, exactly with the rules set by Abrahmo-Leftists.

So…yeah, I hear honorable MP Simha had written excellent articles, when it comes to supporting Hindus…

He should stick to it.

Leave the treacherous path snaking through the corridors of political power to those who can avoid falling into these pitfalls and traps laid by Abrahmo-Leftists through their decades of occupation of this sacred seat of duty.

But that, like I said, is ultimately a side-issue.

Those who failed to keep their guard up, (if it was that, and not intentional aiding and abetting) and were duped by others, can at least be sympathized with.

Those who actually, intentionally committed treason and an act of terrorism, cannot.

There’s a night and day difference between the two.

That’s why I said that it doesn’t matter who they were. Neither for me – and certainly not for the opposition.

They were all Agent Smiths.

So long as they stuck to the anti-national script devised by their Abrahmo-Leftist masters, guiding their treasonous programming, it’s all, still, in the end, Anti-National.

This is not to say that we should completely ignore all identity politics and abandon all our identities.

How can anyone believe that?

When there’s a Nuclear-Armed Jihadi snake right in our backyard, as a geopolitical reality, a self-evident murderous truth of what happens when we capitulate our own identities to those with extremist identity politics imported from foreign lands?

The fact that even the whole post-partition discourse in Bharat has been about negation of Hindu identity – and yet, no matter how much we’re asked to crawl in the name of ‘Secularism’, it had never stopped Abrahmo-Leftist hatred from claiming thousands, if not lakhs of Hindu lives in independent ‘India.’

And that’s the ultimate point, when it comes to identity politics in Bharat.

  • Who does it?
  • To what extent they do it?
  • What is their history?
  • What is their intention?
  • Is it home-brewed or result of foreign ideologies or foreign influence?

And so, the question that should drive us, is this:

  • What are we, the Bharatiya people, going to do about it?

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Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande is an aspiring Spy Thriller writer who sees the threats to Bharat as they are - An institutionalized Abrahmic/Left-Liberal revulsion for Hindus' Right to Exist.


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