“Maulana Azad Education Foundation to shut down on grounds of mismanagement & suspicion of dubious funding”, Organiser, March 2, 2024:
“The closure of the Maulana Azad Education Foundation (MAEF) has been hailed by some as a pro-secularism act. The move is seen as an effort to discontinue community-specific foundations, fostering a more inclusive approach to minority schemes.
Advocates argue that the government, while supporting minority initiatives, should ensure equitable distribution of resources among all communities, including micro-minorities.
There is speculation regarding a scheduled meeting on March 4, 2023 regarding the closure, indicating upcoming discussions and directives. However, the agenda of the meeting remains undisclosed. Reports indicate that the Central Waqf Council is maintaining silence on the matter, amplifying the ambiguity surrounding the decision despite their recommendation for the closure of MAEF…..”
Read the full article at Organiser.org