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Hindu Post is the voice of Hindus. Support us. Protect Dharma
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Wednesday, June 26, 2024



14 mandirs attacked, murtis destroyed in one night: Thakurgaon, B’desh

In a shocking attack on the persecuted Hindu minority, 14 temples were attacked and their murtis destroyed in just one night in Baliadangi Upazila...

BBC’s foundational history as Imperial Propaganda Service

The British Broadcast Corporation (BBC), that self-proclaimed purveyor of unbiased news, is itself in the news – again – and not for a good...

British Sikh, who wanted to kill Queen Elizabeth to avenge Jallianwala Bagh massacre, pleads guilty

A British Sikh who allegedly planned to "kill the Queen" on Christmas Day in 2021 and was arrested with a loaded crossbow has admitted...

‘Legalized Prostitution’ aka sigeh or nikah mut’ah inside Iranian mosques in the West

In Sweden, Iranian protesters held a rally outside the Imam Ali Mosque, north of Stockholm, demanding closure of the center accusing it as being...

‘Butcher of Kargil’ Musharraf dies in exile

Former Pakistani dictator Gen. Pervez Musharraf died today following a prolonged illness at a hospital in Dubai, UAE after years in exile due to...

US shoots down Chinese spy balloon, confirms Biden

Fighter jets have shot down the Chinese spy balloon that had been adrift across US airspace for days now. "I ordered them to shoot it...

Daykundi Province – the arena of crimes by the Afghan Taliban

The Taliban Is Not an Unknown Name Taliban is not an unfamiliar name, they have been oppressing the people of Afghanistan, women, girls, and civilians...

Pakistan, ISI and its double-standard in Afghanistan

Pakistan through its infamous spy agency Inter-Service Intelligence (ISI) has been playing double-standard in Afghanistan. In February 2020, just days before the US-Taliban reached into...

Pathaan shows Bollywood elite’s utter contempt for Hindu lives and Bharat

This time, there is no excuse. They knew that people have caught on to their soft propaganda, and are not going to take things...

Joe Biden’s shambolic pullout from Afghanistan

US President Joe Biden’s shameful and shambolic pullout from Afghanistan opened the floodgates for a wider tragedy in this long-suffering South Asian state and moreover...

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