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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hussain Baloch abused, impregnated, and extorted lakhs of rupees from Sikh woman after the latter refused to convert to Islam: Gujarat

A horrific incident was unveiled where a Sikh woman from Anjar in Kutch accused an Islamist youth from Jamnagar, identified as Hussain Baloch, of impregnating her under the pretence of marriage and subsequently abandoning her. In her complaint, she also reported severe physical and mental abuse, as well as coercion to convert to Islam.

The woman lodged a First Information Report (FIR) at the Anjar police station, and an investigation is underway. According to OpIndia, which has accessed a copy of the FIR, the woman detailed her ordeal, stating that she was introduced to Hussain Baloch by a known Islamic couple. Following promises of marriage, she moved in with him and her son.

Once living together, she alleged that Baloch forced her to undergo two abortions and subjected her to continuous torture. Additionally, a video in which she recounts her harrowing experience has gone viral on social media, drawing significant public attention to the case. Authorities are now delving deeper into the allegations as the investigation proceeds.

According to available information, the victim is originally from Hoshiarpur in Punjab and resides in Gujarat. She is a divorcee with a 10-year-old son from her previous marriage, which ended due to disagreements. Living alone with her son, she managed properties owned by her brother, who is in the construction business, building and selling houses while she handled renting them out.

Radical Islamism, planned conversion and executed jihad

In June 2021, an Islamist man named Sameer and his wife rented one of these houses. During her regular visits to collect rent, the couple reportedly pressured her to marry within the Islamic community, but she initially refused. However, Sameer contacted her in September, stating that his wife’s nephew, Hussain Baloch, from Jamnagar, wanted to meet her. After resisting, she eventually gave in to the persuasion and met Baloch.

Coercion and abuse by Hussain Baloch

Baloch pressured the woman into a relationship, repeatedly calling her and sending his pictures. She initially rejected his advances but eventually succumbed to pressure and travelled to Jamnagar in November 2021. During her visit, Baloch had sexual intercourse with her despite her protests. He also coerced her to convert to Islam and taught her son to perform namaz, beating him when he resisted.

The woman moved to a new rented house in Jamnagar with Baloch and her son. Baloch continued to pressure her to convert to Islam and physically abused both her and her son. Despite her family’s opposition to the marriage, she continued living with Baloch, who claimed that they could not marry until she converted to Islam.

Forced abortions and further abuse

The woman became pregnant multiple times, and each time, the accused forced her to have an abortion. On one occasion, Baloch, his brother Feroze, and Feroze’s wife took her to a hospital to discuss an abortion, but she refused and returned home. She also accused Baloch’s father, Akbar, of molesting her. Whenever she brought up the issue of marriage, the accused would beat her and insist she abort the baby first.

Eventually, distraught and fearing for her safety, the woman returned to her own home and threatened to file a police complaint. Baloch came to live with her temporarily, and she gave birth to a son in July of the previous year. When she raised the issue of marriage again, Baloch left her, stating, “You didn’t listen to me and didn’t get an abortion.”

She then turned to her family for support but received none. On 9 May, she filed a formal complaint. In her complaint, she accused Baloch and his family of severe abuse, threats, and extortion of 9–10 lakh rupees. She also alleged that the accused had seduced other Hindu girls.

Legal action and investigation

The Anjar police registered a case against six Islamists, including Hussain Baloch, his brother, his father, Sameer, Sameer’s wife, and Feroze. They have been charged under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including Sections 376(2)(n) (rape), 328 (causing hurt by poison), 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 323 (causing hurt), and 114 (abettor present when the offence is committed), as well as Section 83 of the Juvenile Justice Act. Following the filing of the complaint, the Minister of State for Home, Harsh Sanghvi, took cognizance of the matter and transferred the case to the Local Crime Branch (LCB).

Despite the efforts of Hindu organizations to safeguard Hindu minors and married Hindu women, there have been continued attempts by Islamists to coerce and target individuals from various Dharmic religious backgrounds, including Sikhs, for conversion. The evolving nature of radical Islamist ideology against Hindu Dharma, and by extension, other Dharmic faiths, is deeply concerning, as it manifests in new and alarming directions with each passing day.

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