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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Destroy Hamas and punish its supporters and appeasers please!

At the prelude of a latest article titled ‘Israel publishes picture of baby murdered by Hamas’, prestigious British newspaper The Telegraph, which is written by its Berlin Correspondent James Rothwell and Senior Foreign Correspondent Roland Oliphant wrote: “The official Twitter account of the Israeli government has posted a distressing image that appears to show a baby murdered by Hamas terrorists. The Telegraph is giving readers the choice of whether they wish to view the image.

Earlier, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel in a post on Twitter said: “This is the most difficult image we’ve ever posted. As we are writing this we are shaking. We went back and forth about posting this, but we need each and every one of you to know. This happened”.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu went even further, publishing several other pictures showing the charred remains of infants.

He wrote: “These are horrifying photos of babies murdered and burned by the Hamas monsters. Hamas is inhuman. Hamas is ISIS”.

Prime Minister Netanyahu showed the images of baby murdered by Hamas savages to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

US Secretary of State Blinken told a press conference: “Images are worth one thousand words, these images may be worth a million. It’s hard to find the right words, it’s beyond what anyone would ever want to imagine, much less actually see and God forbid experience. A baby, and infants riddled with bullets … Soldiers beheaded, young people burned alive in their cars. I could go on but it’s simply depravity in the worst imaginable way, it almost defies comprehension and in the most immediate future harkens back to ISIS and some of the things we saw when it was on its rampage, which thankfully was stopped. So I think for any human being to see this is really beyond anything we can comprehend or digest.

He said the terror attack was the “equivalent of 10 9/11s”, adding that Hamas had a “disdain for human life and basic human dignity”.

Of the hostages held captive in Gaza, he said: “There is an unrelenting agony of not knowing the fate of their loved ones, no one should have to endure what they are going through”.

He added that he did not know what Hamas’s goals were in the terror attack, but said: “The simplest explanation might be the most compelling. This is pure evil”.

NATO defense ministers were also shown “harrowing” images of bloodied babies and beheaded victims of the Hamas terror attack by their Israeli counterpart on October 12.

In a speech to his NATO counterparts, Yoav Gallant said: “I walked from house to house. And saw the bodies of our pioneers, the Holocaust survivors, burned alive. Children were tied up and shot. Yes, I repeat – children tied up and shot.

Young girls were raped violently, and kidnapped or killed. They were dragged to Gaza, to the sound of cheering, while blood was dripping down their legs. 

“A peace music festival, with 3,000 young people, became a bloodbath. Dozens of citizens from your countries have been murdered or kidnapped”.

Earlier reports of child casualties in the Hamas massacre had suggested babies and/or children had been beheaded by Hamas.

On October 11 night, Joe Biden, the US president, said: “I never really thought that I would see, have confirmed, pictures of terrorists beheading children”.

Israeli military officials have also confirmed that babies and children were indeed murdered – and beheaded – during the Hamas massacre. They have identified the scene of that crime as Be’eri, a small kibbutz in southern Israel.

Jonathan Conricus, a spokesman for the Israeli Defence Forces, said: “We got very, very disturbing reports that came from the ground that there were babies that had been beheaded. 

“And I admit it took us some time to really understand and to verify that report and it was hard to believe that even Hamas could perform such a barbaric act. But after eyewitnesses came forward, and after a senior official in the Israeli coronary service Zaka came forward on record on CBS News and said ‘yes, I saw the bodies of beheaded babies’, I think we can now say with relative confidence that this is unfortunately what happened in Be’eri. This is what Hamas did to Israeli citizens”.

Unfortunately, despite the strong stand of US President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken in defense of the State of Israel, college campuses in the United States have become flashpoint of pro-Hamas protests. In this case, may I humbly call upon President Biden and Secretary of State Blinken to please impose a ban on the acts of Palestinians in favor of Hamas terrorists?

On October 12, 2023, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Israel was the victim of the world’s third-worst terror attack since 1970. 

The British Prime Minister said: “At moments like this, when the Jewish people are under attack in their homeland, Jewish people everywhere can feel less safe.

“That is why we must do everything in our power to protect Jewish people everywhere in our country. If anything is standing in the way of keeping the Jewish community safe, we will fix it. You have our complete backing”.

Despite such documented fact of Hamas cruelty, in a surprisingly mild statement, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said “Jewish people everywhere can feel less safe”, while in his own country, the Metropolitan Police said it would not ban flying the Palestinian flag at demonstrations ahead of a pro-Palestine rally in London on October 14.

Isn’t called double-standard? Isn’t it called mockery and hypocrisy? Reading the statement of the UK Metropolitan Police, my blood is boiling, while I am unable to hold my tears. This is inhuman. This is unacceptable. This is direct patronization of anti-Semitism and Jew and Israel hatred.

Meanwhile, France has banned all pro-Palestinian protests. Thank you, President Emmanuel Macron! Can you now deport all those thuggish supporters of Hamas ISIS from France?

Every nation in the world needs to note – those celebrations under the garb of so-called demonstrations of the Palestinians are actually notorious attempts of whitewashing extreme cruelty of Hamas terrorists. These are not “Palestinian protests” – these indeed are celebrations in favor of Hamas.

Meanwhile, in my recent article in Blitz titled ‘Muslim Pakistan demands elimination of Israel from world map’, I wrote: A shared objective among various terrorist groups and nations known for supporting terrorism is the eradication of Israel from the world stage, alongside the persecution of Jews within the Jewish State and across the globe. Pakistan, a country with a history of funding and endorsing terrorism, has consistently shown unwavering support for the actions of Palestinian terrorists, including Hamas, which has targeted innocent Jewish civilians.

Indian news media The Eastern Herald in a report said, “In a recent development that has raised eyebrows in security agencies, the Palestinian Ambassador to Bangladesh, Yousef SY Ramadan, has been actively lobbying to garner support for Hamas. Ramadan’s efforts come as part of a larger global initiative by Palestinian ambassadors to legitimize the actions of Hamas. The lobbying is particularly focused on organizing protests across the globe after Jumma prayers on Friday. The objective is to present the attacks by Hamas on Israel as a legitimate response to Israel’s “occupation” of Palestinian territory”.

Later it was revealed by Blitz reporters – when the entire world is condemning 10/7 terrorist attacks of Hamas-ISIS, Yousef SY Ramadan, “Palestinian envoy” in Bangladesh has started frantic bids in influencing local politicians in extending support to Hamas and Palestinian terrorists. According to a media report, Ramadan met Workers Party President Rashed Khan Menon and “discussed the most recent situation of Israeli aggression on the land of Palestine”.

Yousef SY Ramadan said, “it would be inappropriate to compare Hamas’ resistance campaign and Israeli aggression on the same level. Israelis have been killing people, including children, in Palestine for years. They also made illegal settlements in the Palestinian territories, and most recently they have completely blockaded Gaza, cutting off water, gas, and electricity”.

In response, Rashed Khan Menon said, “Palestinians are being labelled as ‘terrorists’ the way we were labeled as terrorists during the struggle to free our motherland in 1971. The Workers’ Party will play a strong role in supporting Palestine along with other democratic forces”.

Here something Bangladeshi leftist leader Rashed Khan Menon was either missing or he has on purpose suppressed the truth.

Israel was one of the first countries to recognize the newly-born Bangladesh. It actively aided Bangladeshis during the 1971 liberation war, and even supplied arms and logistics to the Bangladeshi freedom fighters through India.

Meanwhile, Palestinians, particularly Yasser Arafat, termed Bangladeshi freedom fighters as terrorists, and supported Pakistan owing to the warm relation between those two countries. The Palestinians termed Bangladesh’s war of independence in 1971 as “another Israel-Palestine conflict”. Meaning, Arafat and his cronies in the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) were projecting Bangladesh as another Israel while Pakistan as Palestine. They even went further by stating the war was between Muslims and Hindus.

However, after the victory of Bangladesh in the 1971 war, the then-Foreign Minister Mushtaque Ahmed, who later became one of the masterminds of the assassination of Bangladesh’s father of nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, declined Israel’s recognition and refused to reciprocate. Instead, they supported the Palestinians, despite the Palestinians declining any sort of Bangladeshi help, following Bangladesh’s liberation as the Palestinians did not recognize our country.

It is essential to remind everyone in Bangladesh, who either have forgotten the history or are hiding the truth for their blind affection for Palestinians – it was Yasser Arafat and his fellow Palestinians who had branded our freedom fighters as terrorists. It was them who had openly collaborated with Pakistani occupation forces. We may forgive those enemies of our liberation war for many reasons – but we must not forget the historic fact.

And of course, there is no reason for any Bangladeshi national to exhibit undue and unexpected romance with “Hamas envoy” Yousef SY Ramadan or any other member of that office as such actions onwards can be taken very seriously by the US authorities in particular Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and anyone collaborating Hamas representatives can be labelled as terrorist-appeaser of patron and may fall under US designation as terrorist sympathizer.

Finally, I am humbly calling upon the international community, every conscious individual, members of the press and right groups to refrain from showing any support or sympathy to Hamas and Palestinian terrorists. These savages, animals and butchers do not deserve sympathy from anyone.

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Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is an internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning anti-militancy journalist, writer, research-scholar, counterterrorism specialist and editor of Weekly Blitz. Follow him on Twitter @Salah_Shoaib


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