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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Why is Victoria Nuland and the Biden administration looking for regime change in Bangladesh?

Back in 2021, Pakistan’s former prime minister Imran Khan had passed extremely derogatory remarks on senior American diplomat Victoria Nuland and even went further by claiming that the Biden administration was conspiring to topple-down his government where Nuland was playing a key role. Within weeks of such an undiplomatic statement, Imran Khan lost a no confidence motion in the parliament thus making an end to his premiership. Onwards, Khan has been frantically trying to return to power by directly colluding with Pakistan’s mighty military establishment and by using his almost open connections within militancy outfits, including Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP).

In my opinion, Imran Khan tried to play an undiplomatic wildcard by accusing Victoria Nuland and the Biden administration of its conspiracy of ousting him through a coup. Khan was not ousted by the Pakistani military. Instead he lost the no confidence vote in the parliament. One of the key reasons behind his ouster was his connections with radical Islamic militancy outfits and his ambition of pushing Pakistan towards ant-American bloc.

Because of my decades-old relations with policymakers in the United States as well as lawmakers belonging to the Democratic Party and Republican Party, what I understand is – influential figures in the US Capitol and the White House greatly depend of feedback and information they receive from the US Embassy in Dhaka as well as NGOs, thinktanks and a few trusted friends of America, who also are analysts.

Lobbyists and the media always play an important role in US policies. With these realities, if Victoria Nuland and the Biden administration are not favorable to the ruling Awami League government, it certainly is the result of massive lobbyist activities and media publications which have been very successfully done by political rivals of Awami League (AL), especially Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).

In this case, one may ask – why didn’t the ruling Awami League and Bangladesh’s mission in the United States take countermeasures? Why didn’t they contact each of the esteemed members of the US Congress and Senate as well as important figures in the White House, State Department and other key officers of the US government and debunk those anti-AL propaganda? Was it because of over-confidence or total ignorance or lack of enthusiasm? As we know, in the United States, lobbyist efforts and media campaigns always produce significant results, which is why mighty nations such as Bharat, China, Israel and even the Middle Eastern countries are mostly putting emphasis on these areas. Unfortunately, the ruling Awami League has miserably failed in realizing these extremely vital points.

To my understanding, Victoria Nuland, who is known to her friends as Vic, is a sharp diplomat. She has always achieved the highest result in each of her positions in the past. I have known her for years, while possibly she hasn’t forgotten me. She is not the person who would take any wrong step that may jeopardize America’s relations with any foreign nation, including Bangladesh. To my belief, she also would never put her support for any political force in Bangladesh that would be linked to Islamists, militants and terrorists. Victoria Nuland would never support any convicted terrorist or an individual who had been termed as – “Notorious for flagrantly and frequently demanding bribes in connection with government procurement actions and appointments to political office, Tarique is a symbol of kleptocratic government and violent politics in Bangladesh”.

But still, to my utter surprise, the Biden administration has been showing signs of its bias towards BNP and Islamist forces in Bangladesh. Is it just because Hunter Biden is working as the lobbyist for this party? Is Victoria Nuland for the first time looking for toppling-down Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and ruling Awami League from power? Until now, I don’t have the answer.

Biden administration’s priority to fighting terrorism and militancy

In an increasingly interconnected world, the fight against terrorism requires global collaboration and a focused approach. The Biden administration, under the leadership of Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, has recognized the importance of a terrorism-free South Asian region. By placing a priority on this issue, the United States aims to promote stability, security, and economic development in South Asia. In this article, we will explore the efforts made by Victoria Nuland and the Biden administration to address terrorism in the region and their significance in promoting peace and prosperity.

South Asia has faced persistent challenges related to terrorism for several decades. The presence of extremist groups, cross-border violence, and regional rivalries have contributed to instability in the region. Understanding the multifaceted nature of the issue, Victoria Nuland and the Biden administration have acknowledged the urgent need to tackle terrorism comprehensively.

A key aspect of the Biden administration’s approach is to foster multilateral cooperation in combating terrorism. Victoria Nuland has engaged with South Asian nations through diplomatic channels, encouraging collaboration and dialogue among regional actors. The United States has also supported initiatives such as the South Asia Strategy of the United Nations, which seeks to enhance regional counter-terrorism capabilities and information sharing.

The Biden administration recognizes that addressing the root causes of terrorism is crucial for long-term stability. Rather than solely focusing on military interventions, efforts are being made to promote economic development, good governance, and inclusive societies. By supporting education, job creation, and empowerment, the administration aims to provide alternatives to extremist ideologies and reduce the appeal of terrorism.

To combat terrorism effectively, it is essential to disrupt the financial networks that support extremist groups. Victoria Nuland has led efforts to strengthen international cooperation in tracking and freezing the assets of terrorist organizations. By enhancing financial intelligence sharing and implementing robust measures to combat money laundering and illicit financing, the Biden administration aims to cripple the financial infrastructure of extremist groups in the region.

Recognizing the importance of strong security partnerships, the Biden administration has prioritized enhancing security cooperation with South Asian countries. Through military aid, training programs, and intelligence sharing, the United States aims to strengthen the capacity of regional governments to combat terrorism effectively. Close collaboration between law enforcement agencies and intelligence services is crucial to preventing terrorist activities and ensuring the safety of citizens.

The Biden administration has placed considerable emphasis on promoting peaceful resolution of conflicts in South Asia. By engaging with various stakeholders, including India and Pakistan, the United States seeks to reduce tensions and facilitate dialogue. Resolving long-standing disputes, such as the Kashmir issue, is essential for creating an environment of trust and cooperation, which can contribute to countering terrorism in the region.

Victoria Nuland and the Biden administration’s prioritization of a terrorism-free South Asian region marks a significant step towards promoting stability and prosperity in the area. Through multilateral engagement, addressing root causes, countering extremist financing, enhancing security cooperation, and promoting peaceful resolution of conflicts, the United States is working towards a comprehensive strategy to combat terrorism. The success of these efforts will depend on sustained commitment, regional cooperation, and the engagement of all stakeholders. As South Asia moves forward, it is essential for countries in the region to work together, supported by the international community, to build a safer and more prosperous future for all.

Here are some notable diplomatic achievements of Victoria Nuland:

Ukraine Crisis and Minsk Agreements: Victoria Nuland played a crucial role in managing the United States’ response to the Ukraine crisis in 2013-2014. As the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, she worked to support Ukraine’s sovereignty and independence. Nuland played a key role in facilitating negotiations and pushing for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. She was involved in brokering the Minsk Agreements in 2014 and 2015, which aimed to de-escalate the conflict in Eastern Ukraine.

NATO Enlargement and Partnership: Nuland has been a strong advocate for NATO enlargement and deepening partnerships with other countries. During her tenure as Assistant Secretary of State, she actively supported the accession of Montenegro to NATO in 2017, strengthening the alliance’s presence in the Balkans. She also played a vital role in advancing NATO’s partnership with countries such as Georgia and Ukraine, helping to enhance their cooperation with the alliance.

Advancing Transatlantic Relations: Victoria Nuland has been a proponent of strengthening transatlantic ties between the United States and Europe. She has actively engaged with European counterparts to address common challenges, including Russia’s aggressive actions, energy security, and democratic values. Nuland has been instrumental in promoting dialogue and cooperation between the United States and European Union on various issues, including trade, cybersecurity, and counterterrorism.

Nuclear Non-Proliferation: Nuland has been involved in efforts to address nuclear non-proliferation challenges. She played a significant role in negotiating the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, in 2015. The agreement aimed to curb Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief. Although the United States withdrew from the JCPOA in 2018, Nuland’s efforts demonstrated diplomatic commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation.

Engagement with Russia: Throughout her career, Nuland has been actively engaged in managing US-Russia relations. She has been involved in high-level diplomatic discussions and negotiations with Russian officials on various issues, including arms control, regional conflicts, and human rights. Nuland’s expertise and experience have contributed to shaping US policy towards Russia and maintaining a constructive dialogue, despite significant challenges in the bilateral relationship.

It’s important to note that diplomatic achievements are the result of collaborative efforts involving a broader team and international partners. While Victoria Nuland played a significant role in these achievements, they are also attributable to the collective efforts of the US State Department and the diplomatic community as a whole.

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Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury is an internationally acclaimed multi-award-winning anti-militancy journalist, writer, research-scholar, counterterrorism specialist and editor of Weekly Blitz. Follow him on Twitter @Salah_Shoaib


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