The construction of the grand Ram Mandir in Ayodhya is gaining momentum, with significant updates marking the journey toward its completion. The 161-foot pinnacle...
"Deepavali at Ayodhya: Mandir Lights rekindle A Civilisation’s ancient flame", Swarajyamag, October 30, 2024:
"Deepavali, the festival of light, illuminates Ayodhya, where countless lamps will...
"‘Fishes in Sarayu River traumatised’, ‘Infringement of the rights of darkness lovers’, and ‘Muslims marginalised’: Leftwing reportage on Diwali celebrations in Ayodhya", Opindia, October...
"Ayodhya gang-rape case: After bakery demolition, SP leader and accused Moeed Khan’s illegal shopping complex demolished by authorities", Opindia, August 22, 2024:
"Samajwadi Party (SP)...
"Sustained Disinformation Campaign against Ram Janmabhoomi Temple Over Dalit And Tribal Entry under Police Scrutiny", Swarajyamag, August 4, 2024:
"False claims that Dalits are barred...