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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Kashmiri Hindu family that returned to J&K was attacked by their Muslim neighbours and prevented from constructing their house, reminding one of the 1990 exodus

In a grim reminder of the 1990 Kashmiri Hindu exodus, a Kashmiri Hindu family was targeted by Islamists who prevented them from continuing the construction of their house.

History seems to be repeating itself as a Kashmiri Hindu family has once again been targeted by radical Muslims in the valley. Attempting to return to their roots and settle in Jammu and Kashmir’s Anantnag, the Kashmiri Hindu family faced an attack from their neighbours. As they began constructing their house, residents prevented further work, destroyed their belongings, and threatened them to leave.

Kashmiri Hindu family attacked and threatened by Muslim neighbours

According to a report by Navbharat Times, Sanjay Wali, a Kashmiri Pandit in Anantnag’s Verinag area, had gathered the courage to rebuild his house after the 1990 anti-Hindu massacre. Leaving behind the brutal past, he returned to his hometown and started construction on his land. Notably, his neighbourhood, like much of Kashmir, is predominantly Muslim.

Sanjay Wali reported that his Muslim neighbours were creating problems for him, harassing him mentally and abusing his family. The situation escalated after the Lok Sabha election results were declared on 4 June. Some individuals arrived, misbehaved with Sanjay’s family, and assaulted them. They also disposed of and took away all the materials he had brought to build his house.

The neighbours threatened Sanjay Wali, warning him not to construct a house there. Footage of the incident has gone viral on social media, showing people, including women, involved in the altercation. The Kashmiri Pandit family is now fearful for their safety, concerned that they might face violence similar to that of 1990. The incident, occurring within 24 hours of the election results, has raised concerns about the effectiveness of security arrangements.

Social media posts have raised claims of a land dispute in this matter

There is some confusion regarding the name, as many social media posts have referred to Sanjay Wali as Sunil Wali. Ravinder Pandita, from the “Sharda Committee” organization active in the valley, provided an update, stating that the Verinag Committee intervened promptly and discussed the issue with the district administration. The administration assured that the culprits had been booked under the law and there was nothing to worry about.

Pandita further alleged that Sanjay/Sunil Wali’s family had resolved the issue with the attackers, reaching an understanding to prevent future conflicts. However, the administration has not released an official statement on the incident.

On 4 June, Mian Altaf Ahmed won the election in the Anantnag area where Sanjay Wali’s family was targeted. He is a National Conference candidate who defeated Jammu and Kashmir People’s Democratic Party (PDP) president Mehbooba Mufti.

It is important to recall that in 1990, during the peak of Pakistan-backed terrorism, Kashmiri Pandits were massacred in the Kashmir Valley. They were driven out of their homes, their properties were occupied, and the jihadi slogan “Raliv, Tsaliv ya Galiv” (convert, flee or die) resounded throughout Kashmir. Many Kashmiri Pandits were killed, and their women were raped by Islamists, forcing the community to flee Kashmir. Since then, Kashmiri Pandits have been compelled to relocate to different parts of Bharat and the world.

(Featured Image Source: OpIndia)

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  1. This is very unfortunate. One time Hindus have now become kafir to Muslim neighbours who once (before 1990-91) lived together in more or less harmony. Muslim religious teachers (mollahs) should be liberal and transparent. They should teach Muslims , who respect & obey them, to be tolerant and respectful to people of other religions, otherwise harmony & peace between Muslim and non-Muslim communities are not possible.


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