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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Noose tightens around George Soros’s suspected agent Dhanya Rajendran

According to a Janmabhumi report, Intelligence Bureau (IB) is investigating Dhanya Rajendran, one of the alleged Indian representatives of the controversial Hungarian-American billionaire activist George Soros.

Soros is trying to overthrow governments by funding media organisations internationally, creating domestic problems. Soros has been making efforts for this openly in Bharat for a long time. IB states that Dhanya Rajendran is the primary funding intermediary for anti-Bharat activities.

The central government has warned that Soros heads a break Bharat movement. He is dangerous, and a threat to the existence of our country, and the Minister of External Affairs has warned him. This is when reports showed Dhanya Rajendran is Soros’s agent in Bharat.

Soros’s Open Society Foundation funds online media in Bharat through DigiPub News India Foundation, an organisation headed by Dhanya Rajendran, the editor-in-chief of The News Minute. Dhanya Rajendran is the chairperson of DigiPub. She came under the radar of central agencies as DigiPub chief, who accepted foreign funds and helped with seditious activities.

NewsClick, involved in the Chinese fund case, is also a member of DigiPub. Other members of the anti-national organisation are Alt News, Newslaundry, The Scroll, The Quint, The Wire and a host of smaller digital media entities. Barkha Dutt, Sujit Nair, Ravish Kumar, Faye DeSouza and former Supreme Court judge Madan Lokur are notable members.

In Bharat, Digipub has adopted propaganda to help the anti-CAA (Citizenship (Amendment) Act) movement, farmers’ protests, Khalistani violence, Maoist violence, etc. against the Narendra Modi government. Member institutions also have access to foreign aid through Digipub. Individual journalists (read propagandists) and those who comment on news in videos or written form can also be members.

Apart from this, these media outfits also presented pro-China news. They even published news that Arunachal Pradesh, an integral part of Bharat, is a part of China.

Rajendran and others have been accused of collecting money from international agencies to influence the Bharatiya elections. Member institutions also have access to foreign aid through Digipub.

Dhanya Rajendran organised the ‘Cutting South’ media festival in Kochi, questioning Bharat’s integrity. She admitted to the Bengaluru Central police that the Canadian High Commission sponsored the session on climate change at the separatist media conference, and they received funds. Rajendran added that the Kerala Media Academy also bore the other conference expenses.

Kerala Media Academy is an autonomous institution under the government of Kerala. On paper, the establishment is a joint venture between the Kerala government and controversial entities like the Kerala Union of Working Journalists (KUWJ). KUWJ works to whitewash the atrocities of Popular Front of India (PFI) terrorists like Siddique Kappan.

The Cutting South logo was controversial because it depicted the South separately, and foreign funds were accepted for the conference. The organisers tried to justify that Cutting South meant Cutting Edge, but it did not have many takers. Back then, Rajendran stated that she was not related to any organisation, including PFI.

Keralite-led NewsLaundry and NewsMinute have only a few viewers, and their news has minimal reach on the internet. This has led to allegations about where they are getting funds for operational expenses. These portals receive foreign funds in the name of subscriptions (named game changer & disruptor) for free news on the internet.

Despite the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) case against leftists like Prabir Pukayashta, the editor of NewsClick, who accepted Chinese funds, the US-Canada funds are flowing freely to The News Minute. Dhanya Rajendran, a native of Palakkad, is the editor of News Minute in Bangalore. The Income Tax Department is investigating News Minute.

Donations are less than 200 dollars because the perpetrators know the catch would be lost if they received bulk funds from abroad. News Minute fundraising is similar to the crowdfunding done through NRI accounts for PFI terrorists.

Incidentally, HinduPost documented how the Hinduphobic far-left media portal Newslaundry and its reporter Akanksha Kumar seemed to be recruited for PFI’s ‘Free Kappan’ campaign. It was alleged that Rs. 10 Cr was sent from the UK for this campaign. Authorities suspected that money was pumped in by various individuals and businessmen using the Hawala route to fund these terror-whitewashing separatist efforts. 

HinduPost has continuously called out the anti-nationalism deeply embedded in Rajendran & co, especially when we exposed their links to receiving funds from Canada-based Khalistani separatists. We reported how the Canadian High Commission sponsored the Cutting South conference’s climate change session, and Rajendran and co. received money for it from Soros and other Christian organisations.

Soros, a controversial US billionaire whom External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar had referred to as an “old, opinionated, and dangerous person,” promised to donate $1 billion to counter the ‘rise of nationalist sentiment’ in nations like India. He allegedly funds separatist narratives, atrocity literature, civil society organisations, and media outlets to foment social division.

We faced ‘legal action’ threats against us, but nothing came through. We requested the Centre to focus on the South to stop these groups from advancing their divisive agenda.

It remains unknown when our central agencies will end their investigations and move against such anti-nationals.

(Featured Image Source: Janmabhumi)

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