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Friday, July 5, 2024

Vanvasi children denied education in Kerala

In Kerala, the government has stopped paying grants to vanvasi students pursuing higher education after Plus Two. E-grantz Scholarships disbursed educational assistance throughout the education period. The financial aid reached the student’s bank account through Direct Beneficiary Transfer (DBT).

These e-grants have not been given for the past two years.

10,000 to 20,000 rupees must be paid to the college as an admission fee when going to colleges for higher education. Before the government stopped paying, Colleges used to withdraw money from the E Grant fund directly. However, they have not received grants for the last two years. Colleges insist they cannot grant vanvasi students admission unless they pay the admission fee.

Concerned authorities have been informed, but no clear reply has been given. For the past two years, several Hindu vanvasi children have been unable to pursue higher education.

Even when crores of rupees are spent on the welfare of the forest dwellers, incidents like this are reported at various levels. The Kerala government refuses to respond clearly. Hence, our green communist leaders are denying vanvasi students opportunities to pursue higher education in Kerala.

Recently, Santhosh, an Ooru Moopan (vanvasi sarpanch/chieftain) from a Vanavasi hamlet in Kottapadi of Ernakulam district, went to a college for his daughter’s higher education. College authorities told him he should not assume his teenager would get admission and study here, thinking he would get a grant from the government. In simple words, bring the money or leave.

An Ooru Moopan is the senior-most member of the village who acts as the chieftain. They attend meetings convened by the grama panchayat, tribal department and district administration. Vanvasis first approached their Moopans to discuss their issues, and he guided them if needed.

A Mooppan is the leader of a hamlet. What message will Santhosh be able to convey to his villagers who look up to him for advice on their children’s education?

Even if vanvasi children secure admission somehow, they do not get an e-grant. When the time comes to pay the fee, these teenagers are tortured mentally. Sadly, this is why many students give up their higher education dreams even before it begins.

Meanwhile, the vanvasi students have alleged corruption in the supply of free laptops. The Kerala Free Laptop Scheme 2024 is a PM Modi Yojana. This project provides Vanvasi students with a computer to overcome the disadvantage of not having a technological gadget. The applicant’s family income must be less than 2,50,000 annually and have at least 80% marks.

The Kerala Government spends crores of rupees to implement this PC scheme in Kerala.

Students allege they are given laptops that do not work. They are insulted when they ask the vendors to demonstrate that it works. Distributors ask students, “You did not pay for it, did you?”

Recently, HinduPost reported that Kerala Minister for the Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Backward Classes O. R. Kelu told the Assembly that the state government provides reservations to Christian converts in the Scheduled Castes in various fields.

In Kerala, such converts are considered in the Other  Eligible Communities (OEC) category since they are not eligible in the Scheduled Caste category. They enjoy reservations in government jobs, and their children get scholarships to pursue their educational ambitions. Many opportunities exist, including academic, startup, housing and marriage loan schemes.

There are several lakhs of such beneficiaries in Kerala, primarily recent converts. These schemes never face a scarcity of government funds. The Converted Christian ecosystem in Kerala is a well-oiled/entrenched machine like the Kottayam-based Kerala State Development Corporation for Christian Converts and the Recommended Communities (KSDC for CC & R.C.).

It comes at a cost since Hindu Vanvasi students bear the brunt.

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