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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Ban on Tablighi Jamaat be imposed in Bharat too: VHP

Not only Bharat but the whole world is in serious trouble today due to the transgressions of the Tablighi Jamaat and its Nizamuddin Markaz. Calling it a manufacturing hub of radical Islamic Jihadism, the lone wolves and a host and patron of global terrorism, the Vishva Hindu Parishad has called for a complete ban on it in Bharat as well.

Welcoming the ban imposed by the Saudi government on this Jamaat, VHP’s Central Working President and Senior Advocate Sri Alok Kumar said that by finding out the financial sources of the Tablighi Jamaat, which is endangering the lives of people, immediate ban should be imposed by Bharat and the entire world community on its bank accounts, offices and activities.

This radical Islamic fundamentalist organization is already banned in many countries of the world including Russia. Despite this, instead of welcoming the decision of the Saudi government, some Bharatiya Muslim organizations, with their protests against it, have exposed themselves and made their role in terror-rearing and fostering quite clear. In fact, Darul Uloom Deoband is its originator and designer.

The Tabligh, taking off from Nizamuddin in 1920 CE and encouraged by its success in horizontal religious conversion activities in Mewat, Haryana, has today injected its sick mentality of pandemic proportions into the minds and hearts of millions of people in more than 100 countries across the world and infected them and put their lives in danger.

The arms and ammunition recovered and the radical jihadi terrorists caught from many mosques, madrassas and settlements hosting terrorist sleeper cells across the country were somehow or the other the products of this fiendish mindset.

Who does not know that lakhs of Tablighis armed with Wahabi worldview and agenda and trained from their Nizamuddin command and control centre have been proliferating bigotry, prejudices, anti-democratic mindset and terror through their jihadi speeches and lectures in Markaz, Ijtema, Mosques and Madarsas all over the world. The founders of most of the terrorist organizations of the world have also been associated with the Tabligh.

The relations of all those – from the assassins of the American Trade Center (ATC) to the perpetrators of the burning of 59 Hindus alive in train bogey in Godhra and those celebrating the Urs of the Muslim lone wolf Abdul Rashid – the brutal murderer of Swami Shraddhanand – with the Markaz, is well known.

VHP demands –

1. Complete ban on Tablighis, Tablighi Jamaat and Ijtima in Bharat be imposed;

2. The building of Nizamuddin Markaz and the bank accounts associated with it should be sealed;

3. Their economic sources and resources should be found out and plugged;

4. The authorities should also crack down on institutions and organizations like Darul Uloom Deoband and PFI that give direct or indirect nourishment to the Tablighis, Tablighi Jamaat and Ijtima.

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