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Saturday, June 29, 2024

14 mandirs attacked, murtis destroyed in one night: Thakurgaon, B’desh

In a shocking attack on the persecuted Hindu minority, 14 temples were attacked and their murtis destroyed in just one night in Baliadangi Upazila in Thakurgaon district of Bangladesh.

The attacks took place between Saturday night and Sunday dawn at different villages in Dhantala, Charol and Paria Unions in the Upazila, reports

Bidyanath Barman, general secretary of Baliandani Upazila Puja Celebration Council, said nine temples in Dhantala, one in Charol and four in Paria were attacked. The temples were dedicated to Haribasar, Sri Krishna, Manasa, Maa Laxmi and Maa Kali, among others.

“The hands, feet and heads of the murtis were smashed to bits. Some were broken and left in the pond,” he said. “We want the authorities to investigate this thoroughly and apprehend the real culprits,” Bidyanath added.

Desecrated murti in one of the temples (Image credit:

After inspecting the temples, a police officer stated the obvious – “After taking a look, it appeared to me that the act was intentional,” the police officer said, vowing to identify and make those responsible face justice.

He also claimed the attack was done to ‘disrupt the peaceful situation of the country’, a statement that glosses over the daily attacks and institutionalized discrimination faced by Bangladeshi Hindus, forcing lakhs to flee to Bharat and other countries at regular intervals. As per Dhaka University’s Prof. Barakat, who has been researching the exodus of Bangladeshi Hindus for decades, by 2050 there will be no Hindus left in Bangladesh. It is estimated that a staggering 26 lakh acres of land was snatched away from Bangladeshi Hindus through Vested Property Act and other illegal means between 1965 to 2006.

The police officer’s stereotypical comment also obfuscates the fact that such attacks are directly related to the Islamic injunction to worship none other than Allah, and to regard ‘idol worship’ as the greatest sin. This fundamentalism, a direct threat to the pluralist Dharmic traditions of the subcontinent, are incessantly drilled into young Muslim minds by lakhs of mosques-madrasas which dot the entire region.

Another desecrated murti (Image credit:

People thronged the temples after the desecration & vandalism, showing anger and fear over the incident. Police were deployed at every temple in question. Tapan Kumar Ghosh, general secretary of the district Puja celebration council, also visited the temples along with local Hindu people.

Upon arriving near the Haribasar Temple in Sindurpindi, he said: “This temple is large and a traditional one. Many people regularly visit this place. All the idols here have been smashed. This is tragic and frightening.”

Ironically, the district of Thakurgaon (village of Thakurs) is said to get its name from the large number of ‘Thakurs’ or Brahmin community members who once lived there. The area was ruled by Maithil Brahmins and Bengali Brahmins like Bikhash Jha, Barun Thakur and Vidhenesh Roy before 1879.

Thakurgaon district of Bangladesh (in red) bordering Bharat

The district, which borders Bharat, even had a Hindu majority population of 52% untill 1947.

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  1. The sad fact is that the religious intolerance sweeping much of the subcontinent comes from right wing Hindus. They have abused, molested, tortured, blamed and ‘othered’ Muslims with their rhetoric and destroyed many mosques. Now they are going after Christian Churches, Sikh Temples, persecution of Leftists not to mention the non-stop 3000 year persecution of Dalits whom they verbally & physically abuse. The sad attack on the Temple is payback for all the atrocities that Hindus do at home. They don’t just stop there. They have attacked mosques in the UK, started fights with Khalistani Sikhs in Canada & Australia and harass Dalits in advanced Silicon Valley. Come on Hindus. BE BETTER!

    • Typical Islamist worldview – Hindus and other ‘kafirs’ just don’t count for you lot, right? That’s why you don’t feel a twinge of remorse or shame when 12-13-14 year old girls are abducted from their homes, gang raped in madrasas and dargahs like Bharchundi Sharif, forcefully converted and married to men old enough to be their father/grandfather? Hindus, Jains, Budddhists, Sikhs (not Khalistani elements who have been Talibanized following your example), and various Dharmic/indigenous religions like Sarna have co-existed in harmony for millennia, but it is only Islamists and Christian evangelists who can’t tolerate plurality, who must IMPOSE their religion on everyone else. Don’t be under any delusions that the support you bigots get from left-liberal elites in West is a true partnership. Ordinary Westerners are as sick of you lot, and the time is not far when you are going to face a major backlash for pursuing your bigoted goals to impose sharia on those host societies as well.

  2. If only there had been a 100% exchange of population as advised by Ambedkar. Hindus from neighbouring countries should be encouraged to come to India and given protection and shelter. India is the natural homeland for Hindus.
    The Indian Govt urgently needs to safeguard national security by deporting all the illegal Bgladeshi and R0hingya aliens infesting many states in India and breeding like rats in a bid to change the demography.


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