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Monday, May 13, 2024

Yes, Modi must focus on record of Human Rights and Democracy – of USA, and the rest of Monotheistic world. Religious or otherwise. PART-4

Read Part 3 here

‘Anybody who opposes, diverts, dismisses, tries to discredit, or demeans any of the suggestions above as “whataboutery”, PM Modi must, proverbially slap the hate out of them with a hand of love. By admonishing the US and the west with his deeply held alarming concern for seeing the champions of democracy and human-rights resorting to an argument whose origins in international political relations was in Cold-War and which was intended to preserve nothing but white-supremacy and western exceptionalism, amid Soviet Union’s highlighting of racial discrimination practiced in the west.’

I keep saying that, don’t I?

So when we question the USA…and the rest of the monotheistic world – religious or otherwise on their record of Human Rights, Democracy and sticking to the so-called ‘rules’ ofthe Rules Based International Order, it’s not just to, as I said previously, admonish them as arrogant white-supremacist Cold Warriors if they use “whataboutery” argument, to try and disdainfully dismiss our questioning. An alleged ‘logical fallacy’ invented during the Cold-War that’s historically been used to divert world’s attention away from west’s racist-prejudices.

It’s for more.

Not just to expose the rampant and well documented, centuries – maybe be even millennia – long history of bloody “hypocrisy” and “double standard” of these defenders of ‘human-rights’ and ‘democracy’, no.

Not even to put the question around, about prosecuting the “principle” itself.

The need to discuss this arises from an ancient tradition of judicial wisdom: Credibility of a Judge.

Would you appoint a convicted serial killer/murderer as presiding judge over the matter of deciding the issue about another murder… and not just any other murder but a murder where the prime accused is the family member of the person whose murder had put the judge in jail (or on the path to gallows, hopefully,) while the accuser is yet another convicted serial killer/murderer who was a close family member of the convicted Judge?

Does that grotesque joke of a “due-process” or “fair-trial” makes any sense?

To put that in easier, geo-politically understandable perspective:

I mean, sure, Israel-Palestine conflict is a… ‘complex’ issue. People have strong opinions about it. On both sides of the argument.

But would a Hitler be made the lead-authority, on a supposedly noble ‘peace-committee’ or tribunal, who will judge the matter and decide this conflict’s ultimate fate?

Or the Jews who fought in the Nazi forces, and on occasions, were even awarded gallantry honors by Hitler’s 3rd Reich, (and yes, these kinds of jews did exist), would they be made the judge for this conflict – for maintaining appearances of fair play, of course?

Who will be ready to give such a trial/adjudication/negotiation by such a judge/tribunal/committee/panel whatever, the proverbial ‘benefit of doubt?’

Who will have a shred of doubt about what will be the verdict in the end?

Who will believe such a panel’s recommendation?


Whoever is judging something or someone, their credibility, their beliefs, matter in deciding whether the judgment delivered is objective or not. Believable or not.

That is elementary.

That’s why conflict-of-interest clauses exist in various law-making and contractual obligations and even the judges, when found having ‘an angle’, would recuse themselves for hearing the matter.

Across the world. It’s not something that’s unique to Bharat.

Beliefs and interests.

They matter when someone accuses someone of something or even judges the accused.

So…if those are the things that inherently decide not just the credibility of an accuser but a judge even more, how can there be even a shred of credibility for a nation – and its State (Deep or Formal) – or even a collective culture spread across many nations, that had ravaged the whole world (and is still doing it) while calling itself ‘Liberal Democracy’?

And that argument is not…. nay, must not be limited to so-called ‘Rules Based International Order’ post the advent of Bretton Woods institutions after the end of WW-II.

The Christian ‘people.’

Asking ChatGPT about Christian Population in Europe says this:

1.) Albania: 35% % 2.) Andorra: 88% 3.) Armenia: 92% 4.) Austria: 62% 5.) Belarus: 84%

6.) Belgium: 52% 7.) Bosnia and Herzegovina: 50% 8.) Bulgaria: 77% 9.) Croatia: 86%

10.) Cyprus: 89% 11.) Czech Republic: 33% 12.) Denmark:76% 13.) Estonia: 61% 14.) Finland:71%

15.) France:51% 16.) Georgia: 83% 17.) Germany:59% 18.) Greece:98% 19.) Hungary:55%

20.) Iceland: 85% 21.) Ireland:85% 22.) Italy: 85%

23.} Latvia: 59% 24.) Liechtenstein: 82% 25.) Lithuania: 77% 26.) Luxembourg:70%

27.) Malta: 95% 28.) Moldova: 93% 29.) Monaco:83% 30.) Montenegro:72% 

31.) Netherlands: 51% 32.) North Macedonia: 65% 33.) Norway: 70% 34.) Poland:92%

35.) Portugal: 81% 36.) Romania: 99% 37.) Russia: 71% 38.) San Marino: 96% 39.) Serbia: 85%

 40.) Slovakia: 75% 41.) Slovenia: 60% 42.) Spain: 68% 43.) Sweden: 57% 44.) Switzerland: 69%

45.) Ukraine: 92% 46.) United Kingdom: 59% 47.) Vatican City: 100%

If we add USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand into it, we get

USA: 63%

Canada: 67%

Australia: 62%

New-Zealand: 48%.

The rest must be irreligious fanatical wokes who’ve allied themselves with rabid Islamists, or moderate irreligious conservatives who nevertheless believe in the so-called ‘Judeo-Christian’ way of life’s supremacy over all others.

Notice also that its only Albania and Czech Republic that’s less than 50% Christian (34% and 33%) in Europe. Also, recent official census in UK put Christians as less than 50% too (nearly 48%). Similarly, in Netherlands, its on razor-edge of majority 51%.

But suffice to say, they constitute a significant number across the Europe


In the NATO grouping, there’s only 2 countries, Turkey and Czech Republic, that has less than 50% Christian population and even there, it’s only Turkey where they could be said to be in actual minority (1%) 

At this point, we must also point out several Islamist countries who’re treaty allies of USA in one way or another, and where it hardly matters what’s the population of Christians or indeed, even Islamists, has been. Given their vast amount of imperialist petro-dollar wealth and total absence of anything democratic in the way of governing.

Which means what, exactly?

The built-in ‘democratic’ hate of Hindus in ‘Rules Based International Order.’

A Famous US president once said that democratically elected government is government of the ‘people’, by the ‘people’, for the ‘people’. The Unites States constitution begins with the words, “We, The People.”

By its very ‘democratic’ logic, how can such a nation’s elected representatives, be anything other than the ‘hopes’ and ‘aspirations’ and ‘beliefs’ and ‘interests’ of the ‘people’ they represent and are funded by?

If western ‘democracy’ and its formal alliances are bestowed with the sole responsibility of judging good or bad, how can such a group claim a micro-fibre’s worth of credibility if its led by a nation USA who is made up with a 63% Christian population on the Right – whose one of the fundamental beliefs is that ‘If you don’t believe as I do, you’re going straight to hell’; and the heinous ultra-woke leftist commies on the Left who had, to oppose this dogma, made common cause with even more regressive Islamists – whose one of the core beliefs is ‘kill them (Kaffirs) wherever you find them’; with similar Christian + Islamist + Leftist combinations in the westAndif that is the make-up ofa nation’s governing calculus and its international allies, how can there be anything except most disdainfully ludicrous contempt in any right-thinking people’s mind about any of the accusation the said nation-state (and its allies) makes against ‘pagans’, ‘polythiest’ ‘idol-worshipping’ ‘brown Hindoo savages’ 1 billion strong in the only country they’re in majority? The traits of designated ‘others’ which have been defined by these dogmas as the most hated, genocide worthy qualities for all Abrhamic religions but especially the later 2 iterations, no? Worse even than Jews.

How can such State(s), run by such representatives, devise, fund and support anything other than deeply anti-Hindu hatred in social and cultural policies, and then extend it to geo-economical and geo-political one?

How can a President of United States, the most powerful man on the earth, who takes his oath of office on a Bible that says, ‘if you don’t believe as I do, you’re going straight to hell’, be expected to do anything other than devise elaborate schemes for his State to send ‘polythiest’, ‘idol-worshiping’, ‘pagan’ ‘brown’ ‘Hindoo savages’ to hell?

Or makes their life a living hell in practical terms, by castigating them as violent, uncultured, uncouth, dirty, uncivilized, uneducated, worst kind of monsters who’re oppressing ‘poor,’ ‘helpless,’ ‘noble’, ‘civilized,’ ‘enlightened’ Abrahamic minorities like Christians, Islamists and Jews and their most favorite Left-Wing terrorists and terrorist sympathizers?

So when they talk about preserving minority rights as sacrosanct and adopting secularism as part of ‘Modern Democracy’, it’s nothing but to privilege the Christians and Islamists in giving unhindered proselytizing rights in the name of democracy!

They know that Jews had mostly abandoned the conversion streak in them – and after WW-2, they’d protected Jews with massive support anyway. And as for the rest of the world religions…none of them are as zealously eager to convert all other people in the world as these 2 Abrahmic faiths: Christianity and Islam. (‘Missionary zeal’ entered the popular lexicon for a reason of course.)

And if that radical change in demography and culture is resisted in any shape, way or form by way of democratic will of the majority, native people, its vilified on the world-stage as ‘bigoted’, ‘hateful’, ‘undemocratic’, ‘fascist’, ‘Nazi’, ‘far-right’ etc. Thus, giving the Abrahmo-Leftist overlords the reason to cripple, invade, sanction and kill the nation who resists and follows the will of its own people. As punishment for being an independent, sovereign nation.

Because how can these 3 religious-political monotheistic cultures of Christians, Islamists and Left-Liberal wokes and communists, who share amongst themselves the 90% responsibility of eradicating whole civilizations and various cultures from ancient upto even modern world, be expected to do anything except try their overzealous best to eliminate the only surviving, continuing, oldest civilization in the world, that doesn’t toe their line?

Have we forgotten what happened to Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, Zorostrians, Mayans, Inca, Aztecs, Celts, Norse, Native tribes of Canada, Australia and USA itself! What happened to African religions and cultures like San, Dogon, Yoruba, Himba etc.? What happened to Buddhism under communist china’s absolutely godless tyranny?

Isn’t it funny that while they ridicule and denigrate us when PM Modi calls Bharat ‘Mother of Democracy,’ but pay no attention at all to the irony that a group of majority Abrahmic people who had eradicated – according to their own beliefs – the original birthplace of democracy: Greece and Roman Republics, today claim to be democracy’s staunchest defenders and proselytizers? On the basis of which they regularly preach, coerce, threaten, invade, occupy and destroy poor, smaller defenseless nations of the world?

What have they done to resurrect Greek and Roman civilizations?

And if the answer is ‘nothing’, then what can such sham ‘democracies’ – and its arms’-length hatchet-men called ‘Civil Society NGOs’ doing the actual dirty job of State – be expected to do anything… except paint Hindus and the Hindu majority country and its pure native culture (not the alleged ‘syncretic’ nonsense), as anything but worst sort of monsters that need to be sanctioned and butchered and denied even the basic dignity to live with equal rights as Abrahamics, in at least the only country they can call home if not outside it?

Can such butchers, barbarian invaders and inherently anti-Hindu ‘people’ be realistically expected to Judge Bharat and Hindus in a fair and non-biased manner?

Those who say ‘yes’ needs to remember my question about Hitler judging the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

And according to historian Will Durant, we Hindus had it actually worse than even Jews.

But we don’t even get the recognition of our genocides that’s well-documented by gloating genocidal maniacs themselves! They’re even trying to paint tyrannical foreign Islamist oppressors of Hindus and even the worst among them, Aurnagzeb, as a pro-Hindu and noble leader! Because of the most ludicrous of reasons, like, ‘they invaded and occupied but finally, stayed behind to rule the conquered’ or ‘they had Hindu people in their military and administration,’ or ‘they gave the gift of art and culture and architecture to (uncivilized) people like us.’

That’s again, like saying Hitler was a pro-Jewish person because he had decorated jews working in his military, or he was a nice well cultured man because he was a painter and hence worthy of respect or because ‘he brought swift technological and industrial marvel to nations he invaded, hence he’s visionary leader’.

Hindutva, hence proved!

If Ukraine war has taught us Hindus anything, it’s this: Savarkar was right. He was absolutely right in defining national identity politics in the name of Father Land, Holy Land and Common Culture.

Remember: Jews got their genocide recognized all throughout the world because A.) that happened right in Europe. B.) They were all Abrahmics, the original ones! and C.) they might be Jews but they were all culturally European.

Same thing can be said about Ukraine getting so much sympathy and its actual Nazis getting a free-pass because A.) It’s happening right in Europe B.) they are not just Abrahmics but white Christians! And C.) They’re as European as it gets, ‘Blond hair and Blue Eyes’ and all that. Even the ultra-wokes ended up admitting that subconscious bias on bloody national news television when the war broke out.

Same can be said about Leftist alliance with Islamists in the west for ‘saving them from persecution.’

Because that’s how ‘Rules Based International Order’ became known as ‘Judeo-Christian’ world, despite the fact that Christians had hated the Jews since the dawn of their religion and kept running monstrous propaganda against them.

So…knowing both past and present about wars in Europe, what about Hindus and Bharatiyas and their genocides at the hands of Islamists (and Christians)? Despite largely being translated and documented by Christians themselves.

  1. It didn’t happen in the Europe – or the west. Thousands of kilometers away from it, in fact.
  2. We’re not just non-Abrahmics but we are the most hated kind of non-believers possible in Abrahamic world. ‘idol-worshippers’, ‘polythiest’, ‘pagans’.
  3. We’re so culturally different from westerners, its like bloody compass. East vs West.


Unimaginable hate and contempt for Hindus and Bharatiyas, who politically try to assert their rights.


There’s tonnes of recent literature being churned out by westerners and their traitorous allies in Bharat, the anti-nationals and Abrhamo-Leftists, about political Hindu movement’s history and its connection with ‘far-right’ Nazis dating back to WW-II itself.

But the fact that at 2.5 million, Bharatiyas made up the largest volunteer – let me repeat: ‘volunteer’ army in WW-II that fought beside allies against Nazis and Fascists, isn’t even whispered in a single silent foot-note anywhere.

There may be thousands of movies in all western world’s languages about World War 2. Many of them are seen and admired by even Bharatiyas.

Yet don’t you find it ridiculous that not even a single one of them had a single Bharatiya – forget Hindu – soldier in even a passing role, let alone as a prominent character? Despite the above fact: 2.5 million strong, the biggest ‘volunteer’ army in WW2.

How can such a depiction be called realistic when the biggest fighting force is not represented in a damned World War?

I’ll tell you why: not just because of inherent racism but un-ending and unrepentant systematic hatred of Hindus built into Abrahmo-Leftist ‘Rules Based International Order.’ That wants to erase everything they consider positive about Hindus even by their own standards. It’s not like they didn’t have the records or didn’t know about it. How do you forget the largest volunteer fighting force in your most well-remembered war – unless you deliberately want to?

Because – and here’s another proof of western anti-Hindu hatred: when PM Modi gives some much needed honor to Neta Ji Bose, westerners are at pains to dig up old records about Neta ji going to Germany and Moscow, to meet Nazi and Commie dictators Hitler and Stalin…and ultimately fighting beside Japanese. ‘See? A far-right Hindu Nationalist government is exposing itself by venerating a Nazi collaborator!’ That’s been their refrain. ‘Historical Criticism.’

With such a track record, who among the Abrahamo-Leftist world hold an ounce of credibility to judge Bharat and Hindus?

And no, paid hostile anti-Hindu agents who’re Hindu in name only do not count. That’s same as the Hindus who worked for Aurangzeb and Jews who worked for Hitler.


It’s time we stopped being defensive in the face of hateful Abrhamo-Leftists’ questioning.

It’s time we questioned them on their systemic prejudice that they’ve also built into international institutions against Hindus.

If any of them raise any of the human-rights, minority rights non-sense, I urge PM Modi to use the same platform to let the world know about ‘1200 saal ki gulami’ that he himself had spoken of. I urge him to question the Abhramo-leftist world on the same points I raised above – or anything else he and his astute delegation can come up with, wrapped in even better language.

It’s time we stopped explaining ourselves and demanded explanations from the rest of the Abrahmo-Leftist world. Explanations and Accountability.

It’s well past time.

Otherwise, they’d poison our Amrit-Kaal and soon we’ll all be dead.

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Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande
Abhinandan Pande is an aspiring Spy Thriller writer who sees the threats to Bharat as they are - An institutionalized Abrahmic/Left-Liberal revulsion for Hindus' Right to Exist.


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