On 21 February, Thane police filed an FIR against Javed Khan for allegedly molesting schoolgirls during a school trip. The 27-year-old accused was apprehended...
"Maharashtra: Food supplier Javed Khan molests girls of Thane’s CP Goenka School during a school trip, arrested", Opindia, February 21, 2024:
"On Wednesday (21st February),...
"15 ISIS terrorists arrested: Accused had declared a village in Thane ‘Al-Sham’, ‘Liberated Zone’ like Syria; were administering an ‘oath of allegiance’ to recruits",...
"Pro-Palestine mobilisation in Maharashtra: 2 protests in Mumbra, 200 booked, minor children made to act like dead bodies in Aurangabad", Opindia, October 30, 2023:
After intense efforts of several weeks, the Mumbai Police finally nabbed absconding killer and gangster Chhota Shakeel's aide, Laik Ahmed Fidahussein Shaikh -- reported...
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) has busted yet another ISIS (aka IS i.e. Islamic Sate) terror module, this time in Maharashtra.
Four Islamic terrorists have been...