A recent documentary aired by BBC which rehashes old propaganda against Narendra Modi over the Gujarat 2002 riots and contains other standard anti-Hindu tropes...
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) removed (October 21) Pakistan from its "grey list" after more than four years. The multilateral watchdog said Islamabad...
External Affairs Minister S.Jaishankar on Monday said that due to the "Western countries' preference for the military dictatorship in the neighbourhood", Bharat has a...
After racist tirades and temple vandalisms in US, UK, Canada and Australia, now an actual physical assault has been reported on a Hindu neighborhood...
An American think tank called the Hudson Institute has called upon US authorities to urgently investigate US-based Khalistani separatists who are being assisted by...
Mahatma Gandhi’s unqualified capitulationism has apparently triumphed in post-independence Bharat over Bhagwan Krishna’s unyielding terse realism in the Bhagavad Gita. Not only that Bharat...