A tragic incident occurred in Maharashtra's Nagpur, where a 24-year-old woman named Pallavi Mahajan was found dead after being struck by a train. The...
"Maharashtra: Ishtiaque Khan arrested, wife booked, for torturing 12-year-old girl ‘bought’ for Rs 50,000, found tied in bathroom with burns on body", Opindia, September...
"Maharashtra: Bangladeshi national illegally living in Nagpur arrested by ATS, had first posed as a Buddhist monk and then as a gym trainer", Opindia,...
A group of Muslim women belonging to the women's wing of Jamaat-e-Islami Hind was seen distributing pamphlets 'celebrating' Hijab Day on Saturday in Maharashtra's...
Moin Khan who had been stalking a Hindu girl murdered her grandmother and 10-year-old brother by slitting their throats as the grandmother had taken...