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Saturday, January 18, 2025



आचार्य आर्यभट्ट: भारत के महान गणितज्ञ और खगोलशास्त्री

14 अप्रैल को सभी को पता है कि बाबा साहब डॉ भीम राव अम्बे‍डकर जी की जयंती है, परंतु बहुत ही कम लोग जानते...

Beejaganita aka Algebra is a Bharatiya and not Arab invention, says author of new book on Hindu Mathematics

Yet another blow to the propaganda that algebra was invented by Al-Khwarizmi or Diophantus. This is as direct as it gets. The following pages...

Bharat’s 4Ms contribution to the world

Bharat's contribution to the world in various fields is well established and duly recognized. There are different contributions of different cultures, civilizations, peoples and...

Bharat’s Foundations of Modern Science

Scholars see Bharat and Greece as the two principal birthplaces of science. School textbooks tell us about Pythagoras, Aristotle, Euclid, Archimedes, and Ptolemy, geometry of...

Possible Transmission of Keralese Mathematics to Europe

This is the fourth and final article in the series 'Mathematicians of Kerala' wherein the author discusses about possible transmission of Mathematics of Kerala...

Mathematicians Of Kerala – Madhava of Sangamagramma

This is the the third article in the series Mathematicians of Kerala. The writer has highlighted the work of Madhava of Sangamagramma. Although born in...

Mathematicians of Kerala – Part II

This is the second article in the series Mathematicians of Kerala Narayana Pandit (c. 1340-1400), the earliest of the notable Keralese mathematicians, is known to have...

Mathematicians of Kerala – Introduction

Bharat has been a land of knowledge in various fields, be it astronomy, engineering, art, architecture, music, mathematics and many more. Various scholars and...

Hindu Students Council Conference Explores Hindu Identity & Impact Of Hindu Scientific Achievements

“Hindus are seekers of truth,” remarked Maitreyee Kale, president of Hindu Students Council’s (HSC) chapter at Stony Brook University, as she kicked off a...

Vedic Culture: As Relevant Today as Ever

By investigating the knowledge and viewpoints in the many topics found in Vedic culture, we can certainly see that the practice and utilization of...

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