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Friday, February 7, 2025


Love grooming

Hiding his identity under the name ‘Sanjay,’ Aslam forced his Hindu wife to convert to Islam

Another case of Love Jihad was recently unearthed in Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh. A woman has filed a complaint against one Aslam, who hid his...

देश भर में लव जिहाद का खुला खेल, अब मुस्लिम महिलाएं भी अपने ‘मजहब की सलामती’ के लिए कर रही हैं हिन्दुओं को भ्रमित

भारत में सदियों से सभ्यताओं का संघर्ष चलता ही आया है, चाहे हमारी संस्कृति पर प्रहार हो या धर्म का अनादर, विधर्मियों ने हर...

लव जिहाद के बढ़ते मामले, कहीं सिर काटकर हत्या तो कहीं दुबई भेजकर कॉल गर्ल का षड्यंत्र

एक ओर डरे हुए मुसलमान की बातें होती हैं, तो वहीं डरा हुआ मुसलमान रोज ही हिन्दू लड़कियों के जीवन से खेल रहा है।...

Naushad held for raping minor, forcing her to convert: Amethi, UP

The Amethi Police have arrested an alleged accused for the rape of a minor and under the provisions of anti-conversion law. The alleged accused...

Lucknow: Afzal becomes Rajiv to trap Hindu woman, locks wife & children before setting house on fire for refusing to convert

In a case of grooming reported from Lucknow, a Muslim youth Afzal took on a Hindu identity and became Rajiv to trap and marry...

Muslim tutor abducts teenage student in a case of grooming in UP

In a case of grooming that has come to light from UP's Meerut a teenage student studying in class 12 was abducted by her...

Actress homemaker alleges physical and mental abuse in a case of grooming

An actress homemaker has put forward love grooming allegations against her husband and has pointed out how she was subject to physical and mental...

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