Every year, the Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) and other examining bodies and education ministries in the region announce CXC results in the same format:...
The Hindu community vis-a-vis Covid is being exploited by institutions that are supposed to serve and protect its welfare. Worse, is the inability of...
In all Caribbean academic conferences, seminars, webinars, panel presentations and roundtables, there are few Indo-Caribbean researchers, scholars and intellectuals. Given that they are a...
(...continued from Part 3)
Ramdath Jagessar continued:
The black trade unions were also seen as weak and tired. In contrast to them was young Cheddi a...
(...continued from Part 2)
Ramnarine Sahadeo continued:
“I met Cheddi once in 1993 in Toronto when he thanked me for my role in encouraging others to...
St. Vincent in the Caribbean has a population of approximately 111,000 persons, consisting mainly of persons of African descent. There are small numbers of...