Hindu Janajagruti Samiti (HJS) is a socio-cultural organization dedicated to defending and strengthening Hindu society. The Samiti is a grassroots-level nonprofit organisation committed to...
“Jahan dal dal per sone ki Chidiyaan karti hain basera wo Bhaarat desh hai mera”
Sanatan Dharam (Hindu Dharam) is the most sacred, ancient, tolerant,...
"“Malicious criticism of Hindutva, or Sanatan Dharma, actually targets the Hindu society” – WHC 2023 declaration", Organiser, November 24, 2023:
"In the term “Hindu Dharma,”...
Consider a modern multicultural society like the one in Silicon Valley. Here live people of many native languages, cultures (cuisine, fashion, arts, and events),...
Hindu society is going through a churn at the present moment and requires the right guidance. Swami Prakasanandendra Saraswati says Panchatantra and Mahabharat should...