Here is EV Ramasamy (Periyar)'s own words from Kudiarasu 20-3-1938.
One of the side effects of the Dravidians’ portrayal of Tamil Brahmins as “Aryans” is...
Anti-Hindi protests in Tamil Nadu are simply unwarranted. After all, implementation of 3 language formula as advocated by NEP, is just a draft proposal...
Champions of Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory (AIT) refuse to give up. With virtually nothing to show in support of their pet theory in linguistics, archeology...
The Dravidianists from Tamil Nadu often claim that the Dravidians, especially the Tamils (Tamil is earliest attested Dravidian language) pristinely did not worship Vedic...
The year 2017 was full of controversial surprises when it comes to Tamil Nadu. The desperate attempts to recapture political and administrative power over...
According to the Aryan invasion theory, the invading group of Indo-European (i.e the speakers of Indo-European languages to which Sanskrit and it's derived languages...
The Dravidian movement of south Bharat, especially Tamil Nadu needs no lengthy introduction. It is based on the false notion that Brahmins and other...