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Hindu Post is the voice of Hindus. Support us. Protect Dharma
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Saturday, February 15, 2025


Anti-Hindu Curriculum

बच्चों के लिए स्कूली पुस्तकों की पिछली सलाहकार समिति में विष बुझे लोग

एनसीईआरटी (NCERT) अर्थात राष्ट्रीय शैक्षिक अनुसंधान और प्रशिक्षण परिषद का कार्य हम सभी जानते हैं. एक अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण कार्य है बच्चों के लिए पाठ्यपुस्तकों...

Rutgers University dismisses Hindu students’ plea against anti-Hindu faculty Audrey Truschke

Hindu students of Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA have petitioned university officials to act against their controversial faculty Professor Audrey Truschke, who teaches South...

वर्ण व्यवस्था आदि के नाम पर छोटे बच्चों के मन में विष भरती पुस्तकें

आजकल हम लोग बहुधा देखते हैं कि बच्चे मंदिरों के सामने सिर भी झुकाने से इंकार करने लगे हैं। ब्राह्मण कहलाने में लज्जित अनुभव...

Beware Khan Market Gang, it still rules on the sly

Not many on the Right attach much importance to the colored opinions of Left-leaning intellectuals like the Nobel winning Amartya Sen. What, however, still...

Tamil Nadu University withdraws Arundhati Roy’s controversial book in response to ABVP demand

In a bold and assertive move, Manonmanian Sundaranar University in Tirunelveli in Tamil Nadu has withdrawn Arundhati Roy’s book 'Walking with Comrades' that was part of the  syllabus...

Swami Mitrananda: “If we can reduce the gap between the public and the pandit, that’s being proactive!”

In the second part of the interview, Swami Mitrananda ji of Chinmaya Mission, Chennai, talks about  recontextualising Vedanta in a contemporary context and reiterates...

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