There is a churn happening in American society surrounding one of its most successful minorities – Bharatiya Americans.
Gas station owners and Dunkin Donuts clerks are now transitioning into Tech CEOs and politicians at an alarming rate for some folks.
I’ll preface this by saying an overwhelming amount of Americans seem to either admire or pay no special mind to Bharatiya Americans.
The issue is at the edges of the political spectrum: Among the far-right and far-left.
The Far-Right cannot fathom how a country with an average of 82 IQ is pumping out people who are now their bosses and in leadership positions.
Their image of Bharat is of subhuman folks shitting in streets, worshiping animals, and usual pejoratives towards heathen brown folks.
“You will not replace us!” is now being extended to Bharatiya Americans. There is a genuine fear of seeing brown people, those they consider genetically and inherently inferior to them, outcompete them.
How jarring must it be to have people who you see as inferior, overtake you?
So they cope by labeling every successful Bharatiya as a privileged Brahmin no matter their original class or caste.
Right Wingers who lambast the NYT and WP for being woke brainwashing camps will immediately believe and cite them when these papers attack Bharat and Bharatiya Americans.
This brings us to the other end, and an end that is much more broad and influential: the Far Left.
The Far Left has huge institutional heft across media, academia, NGOs, etc. They are the Cathedral. And they despise these uppity Bharatiya Americans who defy their archetypal minority.
In the face of “crushing white supremacy,” Bharatiya Americans have become the highest-earning ethnic group (not counting Jewish Americans).
They also, unlike many other ethnic groups, provide a visible challenge in professions that white liberals dominate – tech, law, medicine, etc.
They have broken the bamboo ceiling and are planting seeds at the top with kids who are also excelling.
They beat them in school admissions even in the face of affirmative action that actually now helps whites. Bharatiya parents challenge the attack on meritocracy in grade schools.
Many are members of a religion that has historical issues with the far left’s favorite religion, Islam. And they share that religion, Hindu Dharma, with homeland Bharatiyas who keep voting in a government that claims to wear Hindu Dharma on their sleeve in the face of Islamic extremism.
To top it all off, the Far Left has many Bharatiya Americans who are willing to throw their own under the bus. They want to “out White Liberal” the White Liberals so they attack fellow Bharatiya Americans.
Many Bharatiya Americans, just like many Bharatiyas themselves are race traitors.
They pan on about “caste discrimination” amongst kids who can’t even pronounce their own names right, they guilt other Bharatiya Americans about “privilege” when many of their immigrant parents came here with nothing, they trash Bharat and Bharatiyas for social proof and cred.
Both groups are threatened by Bharatiya American success, prominence, and defiance of the usual archetype of a minority: being either visibly oppressed, visibly meek, or especially – visibly inferior.
The Bharatiya American seizes the American Dream. Something they absolutely can’t stand. Supidest responses are about privilege, conveniently ignored is much of Bharatiya immigration from the 60s-90s was via chain.
Many of these folks came from objectively worse economic backgrounds than the poorest Americans and are literally stunted due to malnutrition.
(This article has been compiled from the tweet thread originally tweeted by The Emissary (@TheEmissaryCo) on January 15, 2023.