A video showing Delhi police intervening in a Holika Dahan puja, dousing the fire and arresting two people, has gone viral on social media. The video is from Delhi’s Krishna Nagar and was shared by Sudarshan News Chief Editor Suresh Chavhanke.
Female devotees present at the site for worship were upset at the action of the police and those assembled raised questions to the officials present there. They even put forwards allegations of Delhi police officers having put out the Holika Dahan fire by pouring water on it.
In the video, one can hear voices of those gathered raising objections. One woman said that it was the first time she witnessed the Holika Dahan being doused with a water pipe. Another angry voice can be heard saying that the Police does not take any action against people who sit on roads for Namaaz or Shaheen Bagh protests.
The police, on the other hand, refuted the claims and issued a clarification on their Twitter page. Shahdara DCP said that the police did not douse the Holika and no person was arrested. Asserting that the allegations were false and baseless the Tweet said they were only following the Covid-19 guidelines issued by the Delhi government.
But their claim was disputed by Suresh Chavhanke who shared a video showing the Delhi police using a water pipe and a bucket of water to douse the Holika Dahan.
It must be mentioned that Centre had earlier issued directives to states and union territories asking for strict implementation of restrictions on public gathering in view of the sudden spurt in Chinese Virus cases. Chief Secretary Vijay Dev had also issued an order stating “All authorities concerned will ensure that public celebrations and gatherings, congregations during upcoming festivals like Holi, Shab-e-Barat, Navaratri etc shall not be allowed in public places/public grounds/public parks/markets/religious places etc in NCT of Delhi.”
(Featured Image Source: OpIndia)
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