I watched the The Kerala Sory and the sense of disquiet and horror doesn’t leave you. It is difficult for me for accept that people can be so naïve to accept a logic about ‘Dozakh’ and how ‘your gods are powerless’ which was depicted in the movie.
Maybe its because of my upbringing and my own spiritual experiences which make me balk and cringe at the sentences with numerous responses to these questions, not one. But it is telling that for few Hindus, this is what it has come to.
A mechanical visit to the temple, a mere joining of hands – no connect with the consecrated space, no commune with the deity. Inspite of being part of a culture,a spiritual system with so many paths and possibilities – that there can even be a rejection of this beautiful, varied multifaceted, liberating identity – is beyond belief for me.
You could become a Yogi, or a devoted Bhaktimargi, you could pray to a deity or personify the manifestations of nature as divine forces and pray to them. You could do a Manasa pooja or use a yantra. You could just fall at the feet of a deity with complete submission and see the wonders that open up to you. You could pray at temples according to Agamas or you could do a Sabar Mantra Japa. The paths are endless for the divine essence is infinite. How could the concept of Dozakh or an angry God compare to this?
Conversions have been rampant – dismissed under money trapping or cases of Love Jihad recorded across the country. But how can one be brainwashed to the extent that you spit on your own ailing father because you now believe he is a Kafir?
Or that your mother is reduced to nothing, watching your state and eventual fate as an ISIS bride. Its unbelievable that these girls could be manipulated to such an extent. Parents alone cannot handle these scary possibilities: A social network with the temple at the centre.
An exposure to the myriad outcomes– Art, Aesthetics, Itihasa, Science, astronomy, Philosophy and the obvious spiritual outcome of being in a consecrated space. The concept of consecration, divine immanence and therefore the innumerable deities being aspects of an infinite expression.
The Hindu worldview, our position in the Cosmos, the principle of Karma, our Itihasas, our languages, Bhakti literature – the list is endless. No matter which section of society, or what your position, our children, our families should lay importance on our Hindu legacy.
Our unbelievable legacy over millennia that is the story of an enlightened and long lineage of illustriuous Rishis and Saints. Our geography, Teerthakshetras and sacred mandalas that were nothing less than a divine blessing for our upliftment.
We are descendants of the people who fought with all their might to escape annihilation. They brought divinity into their lives through their civilizational achievements and we are unable to even recognize what is at stake?
Personally, I will never forget the feeling of waking up one fine day and having an intense feeling of going to Madurai Meenakshi for her Darshan. I won’t forget how I sobbed like a child who has seen her mother after a pause.
There is absolutely no parallel to when you are able to experience a consecrated space – whether within or literally.
We as Hindus, or coming from allied Sanatani Panths, need to reorganize our resources. So much can be done by just focused use of our time, money and expertise. Our children, deserve access to this portal of infinite possibilities.
Coupled with a strong sense of Shatrubodh, a sense of what we don’t support, how Abrahamics don’t fit in our worldview. We don’t want equal access to all ideologies. We acknowledge their presence with sufficient comparatives.
Attrition of our children has to be stopped at all costs. How many women could have been stopped from being so easily lured? How many children could benefit from a more enriched life and associated protection? We cannot be bystanders anymore.
(This article has been compiled from the tweet thread originally tweeted by गुरीகுர்பிரீத் ಗುರ್ಪ್ರೀತ್ 🇮🇳 (@gurichopra) on May 8, 2023.