The shocking submissive salaam, or ‘Sajda’, made recently by Bharat’s fundamentalist film actor, Aamir Khan in Turkey before Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Begum has created multiple shock waves among somnolent Hindus of Bharat. Unfortunately, we Hindus, have a poor sense of history and suffer from Stockholm Syndrome due to 1200 years long history of slavery which is perhaps a world record!
It is time to realize that Aamir Khan is not the only Bollywood actor to hobnob with Bharat’s enemies, fifth columnists and traitors. There are too many Aamir Khans sauntering across the length and breadth of Bharat.
An abnormally large number of them have been operating through Bollywood which is a 6.7 billion dollar (approximately fifty lakh crore) worth booming business empire, stupidly funded and supported by dimwit Bollywood-charmed Hindus who cannot distinguish between the chaff and the grain. They have not been able to identify and count the fifth columnists and traitors ruling across Bharat’s film industry which has been remote controlled by Dawood Ibrahim for more than five decades now.
Bharat is a choc-a-bloc spy-infested country, full of pro-Pakistani operators and fifth columnists. Aamir Khan prostrates before Erdogan and his Begum. According to an assessment made nearly two decades ago by Sundeep Waslekar’s Strategic Foresight Group, when L K Advani was the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister of Bharat, he had tried to estimate the number of Pakistani spies in Bharat. After the estimated count exceeded 10,000 spies, he foreclosed the exercise allegedly on the advice of his speech writer and close confidant, rumoured to be Sudheendra Kulkarni. The real reason for abandoning the project midstream, however, would be known only to Advani.
According to a reliable source in one of Bharat’s premier intelligence agency, there can be more than 20,000 ISI agents in our country. Many of them have managed to ensconce themselves in Bollywood, mainstream media and multiple thought forums managed by self-professed and self-promoted Hindu intellectuals..
Interestingly, Bollywood has become a formidable outpost of jihadi mafia rampaging across Bharat. There are far too many Aamir Khans in Bollywood.
Aamir Khans of Bollywood do not try to conceal their contempt for the Hindu identity of Bharat. Everyone knows that Aamir Khan did it with a vengeance in his film PK by spewing contempt on Hindu beliefs and deities. Interestingly, when a phoney debate on intolerance of Hindus was going on, he was very vocal about moving out of Bharat, but he did not. Why? Simple reason. Where else can he can so much money by fooling filmy folks! Who else but dimwit Hindus will allow him to make tons of money and also hobnob with Islamic fundamentalists like Erdogan.
Time has come for the Bharatiya government to launch a multi-pronged attack on the tribe of fast multiplying Aamir Khans, both within and without Bollywood. The long delayed action must not be postponed anymore.
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