“J Sai Deepak writes: 2024 — Bharat and Decolonisation”, Indian Express, June 4, 2024:
“As of 5:20 pm on June 4, 2024, while I pen this piece, the portal of the Election Commission of India shows the BJP leading in 241 constituencies and the Congress leading in 99. However, subject to the final result, the overall picture that may emerge is that the alliance in power will have enough to ponder over, while the alliance in the Opposition has enough to draw heart from.
I am neither a trained nor functional psephologist. Therefore, I have no electoral gyaan to offer to either side. Where I stand as an individual is, perhaps, better captured by a brief correspondence exchanged between Dr Pratap Bhanu Mehta and myself in August 2021, shortly after the launch of the first book of my Bharat Tetralogy, namely India that is Bharat: Coloniality, Civilisation, Constitution.
Congratulating me on the book, Dr Mehta called it “powerfully written” and claimed to be impressed with the “clarity of the argument”. He then went on to wonder why we agreed so much on history but differed on politics. The following was my reply to him……”