The old secular Nehruvian brigade has decided to suddenly reinvent itself, against all of its long-standing policies, as “liberal Hindus”. This new Congress image is certainly not being done to promote any Hindus causes, which are not mentioned at all. It is done only for a hoped for political advantage, to level the playing field of Hindu sympathies away from the BJP and RSS who have cornered most of the Hindu vote.
Congress political Hindu posturing is cynical and self-serving, rather than based upon any religious sentiment, but such has long been the way of Congress politics promoting religious, minority, caste and regional vote banks, while ignoring any overall Hindu identity. It reflects current electoral compulsions as a unified Hindu vote has removed Congress from power, which has been correctly deemed a “minority appeasement anti-Hindu Party”.
Rahul Gandhi as the Political Face of Liberal Hinduism
By the logic of the new liberal Hindus, Rahul Gandhi is a true liberal Hindu leader, while Narendra Modi is a Hindutva bigot, not a true Hindu. This is the old leftist practice of the big lie, denial and negationism.
PM Modi has long personally and publicly practiced Yoga and honored Hindu deities and temples, including in his diplomacy taking foreign dignitaries to Hindu temples, which Congress did not do during its long periods of national rule. His strict sadhana way of life is there for all to see, working tirelessly and relentlessly for the country. The world sees Bharat (India) today as largely a Hindu nation because of Modi, while Congress put Bharat’s Hindu culture into the background, if not into the shadows. Its previous UPA rule had no prominent Hindu face at all, and Rahul made no effort then to assume it.
Meanwhile Rahul has not demonstrated any such religious sentiments, much less put himself on the line publically as Modi has for anything Hindu or Dharmic. While Modi belongs to the backward castes, Rahul has gone so far to promote himself as a thread-wearing Brahmin, though he continues to play the anti-Brahmin card when convenient, as in recent protests in Maharashtra. Yet, such obvious hypocrisy is regarded as ‘liberal Hinduism’ for its votaries.
These old secularists, new pseudo-Hindus remain allied with leftist causes, which are their primary concern, seeking alliances with communists, who can hardly be called Hindu well wishers – who are murdering Hindu workers in Kerala. They still use the language of the old left, with their new Hinduism as but a new ploy to continue to denigrate RSS and BJP as fascist and intolerant, not to challenge the enemies of Hindu Dharma or the breaking India forces.
One of the most curious terms these so-called liberal Hindus employ is condemning Hindutva groups as practicing a negative and exclusive “Abrahamic Hinduism”. This is quite odd coming from groups who have bent over backwards to please Christian and Islamic vote banks for decades, and have never called them intolerant or exposed their aggression.
Liberal Hinduism as Nehruvian
They are trying to claim Jawaharlal Nehru was a liberal Hindu, though Nehru opposed almost everything Hindu and set in motion anti-Hindu vote banks to keep Congress in power, stop the Ram Mandir and create an idea of India that is not Hindu at all. It is true that Indira Gandhi did visit Hindu gurus but she gave over the writing of textbooks to the Marxists, who took the opportunity to deny Bharat’s Hindu past and alienate the youth from any appreciation of Hindu Dharma or Bharatiya traditions. Rajiv Gandhi continued what his mother did, kowtowing to the Marxists, though visiting temples on occasion.
Rahul and Priyanka have lived their lives in the shadow of Christian Sonia Gandhi and never disagreed with their mother on religious issues, or tried to appear different. Only now that Sonia has retired from power are they claiming that they were actually Hindus, though they never told anyone about it before. Yet, they will not criticize Christian conversion efforts or Christian distortions and denigrations of Hindu practices.
It time for all Hindus to call out the hypocrisy of the newly self-consecrated liberal Hindus of the Congress Party, who have never done anything to make Hindus proud of their religion, who have promoted the fear of Hindu terror or saffron terror for years, hoping to create outrage and get votes out of it. Hindu Dharma rests first upon truth, not upon dissimulation. This is the first thing they should recognize.
Shashi Tharoor: the New High Priest of Congress Liberal Hinduism
The new high priest, strategist and moral conscience for this new Nehruvian Hinduism, though it also sounds incredible, is Shashi Tharoor, who has been a dynasty sycophant for decades. He now tries to assure us that Rahul Gandhi is the true leader with insight and integrity that Bharat needs and is a true Hindu in his sentiments.
Tharoor has a long history of denigrating Hindu causes not only in Bharat but for the foreign media as well. He seems much happier at leftist literary festivals, where Hindu Dharma is bashed, than at his scripted temple visits. He has written an entire book on why he is a Hindu, which would be better titled why he hates any Hindu political opposition to the Congress Party above all else.
The Unstoppable Resurgence of Hindu Dharma
Certainly Hindu Dharma is rising again and cannot be stopped. Because of this Hindu resurgence, anti-Hindu forces are trying to also appear as Hindus. This charade will likely continue as an election plank in 2019, but let us see if they will actually come out in favor of Ram Mandir, or any other true Hindu cause. And let us see if they will criticize Marxists, missionaries, jihadis or Naxalites and ask them to respect Hindu Dharma and give up their anti-Hindu activities!
The Congress ecosystem is now desperate to return to power and feels that another five years of Modi will finish them off (and hopefully it will). They will be trying anything, including pretending that they are the true Hindus, as well as all kinds of charades and distortions for that end, even orchestrating agitation and riots where they can. Their liberal Hinduism is their liberalism in using and abusing Hindus for their personal and political gain.
For them dynasty is dharma, gaining political power is the highest goal, and any means to get that is justified – and there is nothing sacred in Hindu Dharma that they would not hijack if it could help them. Yet, should they come to power, they will first of all divide and suppress the Hindus as ruthlessly as they can. Let the possible consequences of that be clear to all those who truly support Hindu Dharma.
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very well explained sir. Thank you. only way for the ModiG party to take on these forces as is to create fast track courts and get convictions against Sonia and Raul and her associates. Shashi Tarror has his wife’s murder to handle. we have many in our armory and We should use them appropriately. Forth coming elections and getting few more Rajyassabha seats to get bills passed will be crucial for India, Hindus and all the anti India forces.
We will need a far stronger and more violent revolution led by those who know the Saptha Rishi Arya Marga of the Vedas and Upanishads to take India back from PANGOLIN*s like Tharoor.
The British resurrected the defunct Arya-Brahmana Nationality (NOT religion) of the Sindhu River Valley named by their Persian co-religionists (in their Vedai (pre Zoroastrian Avesthan Period) parallel to our late Krishna Yajur Veda Period) as a religion as part of their
“Divide to rule” and “Shake the Pagoda Tree” strategy enshrined in India’s Constitution as inequality under law, exceptions, to the rule of law, many nations and reservations. They did this by exterminating(as reprisals for 1857) and marginalizing the survivors of the hereditary law and education giving priesthood the Brahmins since 1921 and confiscated the religious freedoms, temples, treasure, lands, water bodies, educational institutions and gymnasiums in 1923. They then swamped the newly made religions with outsiders such as Dalits to drwon the congregational temples welfare systemof the Savarna, the Brahmanas, Kshatriyas, the vaishyas and mostly Shudras, the latter forming main portion of the congregation and land owning farmers who were most in need of congregational welfare and succour in terms of public works and support during crop failure..
*Note: PANGOLIN: An enemy of India who believes in inequality under law, exceptions to the rule of law and persecution of some for the benefit of others. At present, the sole purpose of the Indian Republic, Constitutional or otherwise, is to pamper and provide for certain constitutionally preferred sections of society who the British found useful to hold and exploit India at the cost of those who the British hated and persecuted. The Pangolin is a creature that is unique to India and feeds on ants that are known in nature to be industrious and hard working if not quite as fruitful as bees who flee to better climes. (PANGOLIN is an acronym for the Periyar-Ambedkar-Nehru-Gandhi-Other (alien) Religions-Communist Consensus that usurped the British Mantle and has worn it with elan to loot, plunder, and rape India since 1921 and re write History and laws to their exclusive benefit since 1947)
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Shashi Tharoor writes with a motive – a political motive on a spiritual subject. That itself disqualifies his book. During his entire political and UN career, he has not lifted a finger to safeguard Hinduism which has been under attack.
He has colluded with Socialists, Marxists, Western Church Groups, appeased Islamic fringe groups, strengthened Breaking India forces. He loses his adhikaar (moral right) to comment of Hinduism.
Dr. Frawley has brought out the hypocrisy of the neo-liberal-Hindu brigade superbly.
I Wish to start a counter proganda news against the fake media. i need support anyone interested?
What is the modus operandi? What kind of support required?
yes im planning but i lack support for it. i cant openly say my plans and i need a financial and people support.
Interested. We need an excellent, coherent list of media bias and noise of selective outrage prepared in an aesthetically pleasing way. Also, the analysis of GST and demonitisation. And finally a piece on why it is still safe to choose Modi over wicked congress, even if Modi’s plans didn’t please many.
yes im planning but i lack support for it. i cant openly say my plans and i need a financial and people support.
How to find you on facebook?
i have created new account this is my profile picture of an alien and name is AJAY NAIR
if you didnt get me you say your name.