As America goes to the polls today, most commentators, analysts and pundits in mainstream media are cautioning Americans to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton as they have labelled her opponent Donald Trump as ‘unfit’ for Presidency.
While Donald Trump is undoubtedly a flawed candidate, the question that Dharma practitioners should be asking is – “Is Trump a better option than Hillary Clinton?”
Lets examine the two major cons associated with Trump from a Hindu perspective –
- Trump has built his campaign on a protectionist economic platform, which has the potential to hurt Hindu immigrants and Bharat. Trump is largely advocating the cause of the blue collar American worker who is hurting due to manufacturing jobs going overseas to China, Mexico etc. He is opposing trade deals like Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), with his main target being reducing the U.S. trade deficit with China. So, it is questionable whether the IT work that US outsources to Bharat will be greatly affected in the event of a Trump presidency – after all, US outsources IT work to Bharat and other countries due to a paucity of qualified local talent & not solely for labor arbitrage. And Bharat’s manufacturing exports to US are not that great anyway – our manufacturing focus can be the domestic market.
- Trump will do nothing to stop the Christian evangelical missionary machine based in America which sees Bharat as a ‘dark, pagan land’ that needs to be brought to the ‘true light’ of Jesus Christ i.e. converted to Christianity. Biased pro-Christian organizations like USCIRF, which operates under the US State Department, will continue to bash Bharat for ‘curtailing religious freedoms of minorities.’ The NGO-State Department lobby will also continue to work unabated to target ‘Hindu extremists’ and stoke social unrest to derail Bharat’s development agenda.
Hillary Clinton carries these two negatives as well, and in the area of reviling Hindus and stalling Bharat’s rise, she is far more dangerous as will see later in this article.
The major pros of a Trump presidency –
- Trump sees the global threat of Islamism far more clearly than Hillary. Trump has spoken out against the unnecessary wars being waged by USA in Iraq, Syria and Libya – dirty deals that previous US administrations have struck with Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc to bolster terror groups like ISIS have made the world a far more dangerous place for all of us. Trump is forthright in asking Muslim communities across the world to introspect on the growing support for jihadist causes within their youth, and on the horrible persecution of minorities within Muslim nations. Hence, Trump is also more likely to take a firm stance against Pakistani sponsored terror, rather than the ambivalent double-dealing that Hillary is sure to perpetuate.
- Hillary is a firm believer in the idea of American exceptionalism – the idea that US has a unique mission to transform the world and is inherently superior to other nations. This idea has given rise to covert or overt American military interventions in Chile, Vietnam, Nicaragua, Cuba, Iraq, Libya etc. causing much death and destruction. Trump is more pragmatic and has acknowledged that America has a lot of issues to fix at home – such as #BlackLivesMatter movement has shown – and hence he is less likely to don the global policeman hat, which gives more flexibility to an emerging power like Bharat.
- Trump is also more amenable to working with Russia and Vladimir Putin, unlike Hillary who has painted Russia as a global evil. A relaxed US-Russia relationship is better for Bharat as it gives us strategic space to build relations with both countries, without being forced to choose one over the other. US cannot be an all-weather ally for Bharat as long as it supports – 1.) Christian evangelicals and their #BreakingIndia agenda 2.) Pakistan and its Islamist backers like Saudi Arabia – hence we need to be wary of depending on US alone and also cultivate strong ties with other powers like Russia, Japan etc.
Why Hillary Clinton is bad news for Hindus & Bharat
This storify by Twitter user @Kal_Chiron analyzes the track record of Hillary and Bill Clinton over the last 25 years, and arrives at the conclusion that the Clintons have a notorious record of being anti-Bharat. We summarize some of the main points raised by @Kal_Chiron –
- Under the Bill Clinton Presidency (Hillary was an active player in policy making back then too), US imposed trade sanctions on Bharat, blocked sale of Russian Cryogenic engines and Cray Supercomputers, and took actions to target Bharat’s textiles and pharmaceutical industry.
- In 1994, Clinton’s close friend and Assistant Secretary of State Robin Raphel said Kashmir should not be part of Bharat. (Several separatist groups came together and formed the Hurriyat Conference with Raphel’s aid and advice in 1993. Raphel has been one of the strongest lobbyists for Pakistan in US, and is currently being investigated by FBI for spying for Pakistan)
- In 1996, Bill Clinton set up ‘Advisory Committee on Religious Freedom Abroad’ and this Committee recommended creation of hate group USCIRF. In 2001, USCIRF stereotyped Hindus as “serious violators of religious freedom” & demanded that US govt ensure conversions be permitted in Bharat. In 2002, USCIRF attacked Bharat while praising Pakistan’s President Musharaff for curbing “violence in the name of religion” in Pakistan.
- In 2004, Hillary Clinton exhibited bigotry towards Bharatiyas by claiming ‘Mahatma Gandhi ran a gas station in St. Louis’.
- In 2006, Hillary Clinton who was then part of Senate India Caucus stabbed Bharat in the back & voted YES on ‘killer amendment’ to Indo-US Nuclear deal bill
- During the 2008 Democratic Party presidential primary race, Hillary defended Musharaff and attacked Obama for saying he would attack Pakistan and take out Osama bin Laden.
- During 2009-13, as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton carried out a ‘get-Modi’ campaign against Narendra Modi.
- In 2012, Hillary Clinton declared ‘religious freedom,’ a euphemism for Christian proselytism (primarily in Bharat), a foreign policy imperative.
- Clinton Global Initiative is partners with anti-Hindu evangelical Christian group World Vision.
- Huma Abedin, Hillary’s closest personal assistant and key member of her 2016 presidential campaign, has an Indian Muslim father and Pakistani mother. Her father worked for Islamists in Saudi with ties to Al Qaeda. Huma has extensive personal ties to the radical Islamist organization Muslim Brotherhood, and her mother is a member of the group’s counterpart organization for women. With ties to Saudi Arabia, where she was raised, Huma Abedin started interning for Hillary at age 20 while working at a jihadist legal publication which endorsed Sharia law.
- In 2016, Hillary Clinton picked Christian missionary and Hindu-baiter Tim Kaine as VP running mate.
Hindu American voters should ignore mainstream commentators like Sadanand Dhume of AEI (American Enterprise Institute), who contemptuously dismisses Hindu concerns with a Hillary Clinton presidency as ‘positively unhinged’, and vote with common sense and in the best interests of Dharma, which inevitably will be in the best interests of America and the world.
The answer to the question – “Is Trump a better option than Hillary Clinton?” – should be a thoughtful ‘Yes’ for Hindu Americans.
(Disclaimer: This article represents the opinions of the Author, and the Author is responsible for ensuring the factual veracity of the content. HinduPost will not be responsible for the accuracy, completeness, suitability, or validity of any information, contained herein.)
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